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Revell 65 Chevy pickup - stock build finished

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Hey guys, I just finished this Revell 65 Chevy pickup, built stock. I modified it to have the bed-mounted spare option by

cutting and filling the fender depression, and making a mount for the wheel. I made a wooden bed floor from coffee stirrers and

music wire, Modified the tailgate to open, and added tailgate chains from chain from Michael's craft store. Paint is Testors

light blue, which is a close match to the factory color.
Sometimes I like to imagine a story behind my models if they were real vehicles. I imagined this one as a truck bought new by a

farmer in 1965. He used it for many years, then parked it in his barn when he retired. When he passed away, his son gave the

truck to the farmer's grandson, who is a motorhead, and wanted to hot rod it. But then the kid decided to just take out the

tired old six cylinder engine and replace it with a 283 V-8 from the local salvage yard, but keep the stock appearance to honor

his pap. He even put new whitewalls on it because pap loved them, and had them on every car he owned. The kid's friends, who

drove jacked up 4x4's, chuckled about his old fashioned stock-looking truck, but he had the last laugh because the chicks loved

that sentimental stuff about honoring his granddad! Comments welcome!

Faux photo from 1965 when Pap brought home a new Schwinn Sting Ray bike for his son!


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