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2nd rat rod attempt.work in progress.so far my favorite rat rod out there is dr cranky blues rod.i just think its perfect.the stance ,colors.theres nothing I don't like about it.i didn't want to try to copy an original custom but I couldn't help myself from trying something close.i scratched a chassis,chopped the top etc.l did try to go with another color but the blue looked the best.hope it don't affend.









Killer paint! The blue is an excellent choice, looks fantastic with the rust and weathering. I love the doors...and the way the rust has been applied realistically to the body seams and gutters.

I'm building a '37 truck somewhat in this style and couldn't decide on paint colors, had been considering "Gulf" blue and orange, and that's sort of what you have going on here. Looks good!


Spex87 I've have a library of rat picks I'm looking to build.here is a pick of a 37 ford that would look great as is or rusted.its got the perfect stance.







Very neat project. A lot of the time when people build rat rods like this the proportions get all wonky and exaggerated but they look really good here, they look right. The wheel & tire combo also work really well even tho on paper it shouldn't. The weathering and over all color scheme is just right, too!

One of the things I love about building hot rod models is you get to do things that are cool yet pretty unlikely to happen full scale. Take that ARDUN engine for example. To build a real one like this is $25,000 all day long so the odds of seeing one in a rat rod truck (where the budget is typically low-buck) are extremely low. People would also probably stand there looking at it and make comments like, "What a waste of an awesome and expensive engine." But, it looks really cool in the truck!

I hope with Dr. Cranky being your inspiration your not going to finish it off by gluing watch gears all over it...

Oh, and out of curiosity. Why the "Z 28" license plate? 



Thanks a lot for all the comments. The z 28 plate is on there because when my son who is 7 was cutting out plate decals wanted the Florida plate on because that is were we are going on vacation.?

Posted (edited)

To my surprise I've had more than a few modelers contact me about my rust job. I thought it looked pretty good for as little work that it took but I didn't expect so many posatve comments.ive been modeling for a few years and I've never had so many ask me how I did something so I'm taking full advantage of this. Like it or not .?when i stated this build about 4 months ago I didn't know the first thing about creating a rusted rat rod so I started with dr cranky on you tube witch led to other modeler videos and then on to military modelers. When I was satisfied with what I learned I orders my Vallejo air paints and washes.got my salt hair spray and went to work.i air brushed all the rust colors salted and then AB the color.after about three hours of work and constantly cleaning out my AB I didn't like the result or color so I scrubbed it down with water and a tooth brush and stared over.my second attempt was just as bad so I stared over again.at some point in this proses I managed to get a leak in my AB hose ,tape didn't work so I gave up. About 2 weeks later I broke it all out again for another try.the problem was I didn't have a working air AB so I thought I'd just apply it with a paint brush.bad idea didn't work.then I remembered I saw a short video were they used a sponge as part of there tech..........so here is my step by step tutorial on how I did it.keep in mind that this is a flat surface so it mite not look as good. This technique Also adds texture you don't get from an airbrush.I would also like to ad that this process took about a half hour and I didn't have to clean an air brush.

Step 1 primer (all steps after this is applied with a sponge) never completely cover the step before.

step 2 dark rust 

step 3 light rust 

step 4 orange rust

step 5 orange

step 6 blue

step 7 50-50 blue white

step 8 75-25 white blue

step 9 white

step 10 washes

bottom left dark rust wash,bottom right light rust wash,top rust wash,and streaks light rust wash
















Edited by lou s

2nd rat rod attempt.work in progress.so far my favorite rat rod out there is dr cranky blues rod.i just think its perfect.the stance ,colors.theres nothing I don't like about it.i didn't want to try to copy an original custom but I couldn't help myself from trying something close.i scratched a chassis,chopped the top etc.l did try to go with another color but the blue looked the best.hope it don't affend.









Lou S, very awesome build, love your work, and I want to thank you for taking the time to do a tutorial on how you do rust, I have been wanting to try my hand at this and your tutorial will finally give me the inspiration and know how and how to do it, other than the salt method yours looks perfect. Again thank you......


Thank you! glad to share it. The bomber seats are from the new revell 29 and 30 model a kits.


Thank you for taking all the time you took setting up and photographing you step by step rust paint process.It's tings like that that make these forums so great.I'm sure you have inspired many viewers(including me)to try it.

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