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Diorama Video Games


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Don't know if anyone has ever stumbled across items like this. These are just a small sample of cut and fold video games that I found online. I think so far I have come across around 30 to 40 video game and pinball machine images. I save them and then export them into a Word document and resize them to 1/25 scale. I then can print them off onto card stock paper for better stability and put them together. They are rather simple but still look cool. 

I have plans to make some styrene units, mold them up for casting and then print the images onto decal film so that I can create a more three demensional piece. 

Oh, and I added a parts box steering wheel to the Pole Position game for more realism.









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13 hours ago, russosborne said:

Wow, those are seriously cool.

Any interest in sharing where you found them?



All that I did was to Google cut and fold video games and many images came up that can be saved and printed. Once saved just follow the instructions that I listed above. 

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