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This is the giant diorama built by members of Perth and Districts Model Club last year, for display at three local shows.  For over twenty years we have had a very successful event in Perth called Big Al's Poker RUn.  It is open to any special interst vehicle so this was the inspiration for our display.   It is approximately seven metres long by 1.5 metres wide.  Initial mockup was done in my garage but most of the final assembly was done on sight at the Hot Rod and Street Machine Spectacular.

At the risk of showing favouritism, I think the two most impressive sections are the lake and the wedding scene that were both constructed by my wife.  She is a very skilled and creative lady but had no previous experience in model-making apart from hand-painting a lot of the figures that I use in my personal dioramas.  She spent about two months on these two scenes  and I think they are pretty special.

Bonus points if anyone can identify the origins of the shingled entry to the wedding area - you will hahve to hunt for it!














Thanks for posting the photos John..... just noticed the Minicraft Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud, the Minicraft Triumph TR3A and the Tamiya Vespa Scooter..... what a marvellous diorama !


  • 2 weeks later...

WOW!! That is absolutely incredible. The vehicles, the figures, the scenery are all extremely well done, and I love the Minions scattered throughout the display. I also agree with you on the best parts of the diorama, your wife did some extraordinary work there.

  • 2 months later...

Thanks everyone.  It is nice to get some comments - I was a bit surprised that it took so long to get many.  

Yes, it was fun populating it.  For years, I was the only clubmember with much of a collection of figures and we used them at all our club displays.  Then two guys, Rob Rattray and Yves Zuber started really pushing the other members to produce more.  It has really taken off and adds real life to any of our dioramas.  Each member has selected a colour to put a dot on the heals of the figure's feet or shoes  - mine is red- as it is the only way we can ensure each member gets his own figures back.  I think we had about 400 figures on there in 2017. 

Unfortunately, one of our most prolific figure modellers, the legendary Ken "Bandit" Searle  passed away suddenly just days before the display.  Most of the figures in the hillbilly bush band display were his work.  Amazingly, he lost the use of his right arm in a motorcycle accident so all his modelling was largely done with his left hand, and no, he wasn't left handed to start with!

Anglia 105E, it is interesting that you noticed the models of Des Smith, the founder of our club.  When a weird model turns up a the club meetings, we joke that it is a "Des model" because Des loves the offbeat and the unusual. Often, models in his collection are the only examples we have ever seen!

Bruce Saunders had the idea to sprinkle the minions about.  The little kids just love them and spend ages running around trying to count them all!  The neat thing is, they don't jar against the accuracy of the scene as a whole - they are only there when you notice them ( and the kids always notice them first!)



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