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OK, OK, I know, the Forest Service would have used a Dodge, not a Plymouth. But in my world it could have happened. So, to that end I am making a 1974 FS Trailduster. The kit I got about a year ago from HL on a clearance. However the hood and grill on the 1980 just looks like POO. I love the early Ramchargers, and the late ones too, but the 1980 was a transition year and the parts do not look good together, and the grill is just an abomination. So, a member here, Rico offered to draw a grill and hood that could be printed from Shapeways. He does great work and I will buy more from him.

Well, no one offers "Forest Service Green", so I mixed a little vallejo 70.891 Intermediate green with white and it is really close. I had to remove all the "Ramcharger" badges as well as the side trim, but left the lower trim because I like the look. Too slab sided without it.

So, much left to do, but here is where I am at right now.


13 hours ago, kelson said:

Looks really nice so far!,any plans to do some weathering on the body or chassis?.

I am not sure at this point. I may dull it up and "dusty" it up a bit. I don't think I will go full super dirty/rusty weathered.


So, I am moving forward finally on this. I have had it in the box for months. I got the interior finished, added the Radio to a bracket and put it on the hump like it would be in a FS truck. I also added a coffee cup and clip board. I have added a bit of dust and wear to the interior just to make it look like it has been used, but not abused. I live in the desert and I figure I will make this look like a desert/high desert truck. I still need to add some details and dirt to the chassis.

The cup and the clip board are both scratch built.







So, I have more done. Because it is a Government truck, it would be in good shape, body would be nice and cleaned regularly, but the underside would still be dirty from use. As most Gov trucks, they get washed on the outside, but not the engine or frame. So, that is how I have this one. I still have a bit to do, I need to find the right wheels. Right now it is just sitting on the chrome ones, but they will not stay. If anyone has some suggestions of where to get the right stock Dodge steel wheels in a 1:24 truck size, let me know. 

I know where to get the decals, but have not ordered them yet. Air cleaner still needs paint too. I painted the spare, but it is drying. 









  • 1 year later...

OK, this project got really stalled for a while. My issue was the wheels/tires. The kit stuff just did not work and I had trouble finding the right wheels. Well I ordered some wheels and tires from Fireball and the wheels are great. The tires are really nice too, but did not fit the wheels. I have a set of Scenes Unlimited tires from another model I made and I robbed them to use with this. I really want it to have that "Base" model look that all GOV agencies get. 

Now that I have the wheels sorted, I need to get the decals ordered. I have not given up on this, but lack of correct wheels delayed it a bit. 



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