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Scratches in Glass

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I started a new one (#zillion:mellow:) and thought I would share a way to get scratches out of kit glass


Fairly deep ,..my fingernail catches on them..


I take my 1000 gt paper _ WET _

and sand against the abrasion, in this case, vertically, because the scratches were,,......Bueller...  ?


Then I go to NOVUS products,...#3 Heavy scratch, applying , again, against the scratches,.. no force required ,..


Then to #2 


Again, ..

say it with me this time "AGAINST THE SCRATCH" no force required...it's the reps..


Then I brush on a nice coat of ...whateveritscallednow Future


I hope this helps , don't be afraid to polish plastiglass..



Edited by Belugawrx
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That's one good way to do it. B)

These days, I usually take scratches out of glass in minutes with Trim fingernail sticks, but the right kind are getting hard to find. (They're also sometimes not usable on the inside, due to concavity.) 

I've also used Wright's Silver Cream polish to do the same thing. 

I don't use Pledge/Future, though. Not necessary if you've polished right, and causes more problems than it solves. 

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Bare Metal Foil sells a wonderful product for removing scuffs and light scratches from glass.  It is also good for rubbing out fresh paint jobs too.  It is an inexpensive product too.  It was unavailable for a long time but is back in their product line.  While it is very thin it, it is very effective.  Koala works great too, but is quite expensive.  While the BMF polish was unavailable, I spent butt loads of money on polishes that would replace it's worth.  Koala was my only worthy rival.  Remember, I am the guy that goes nuts over a free Starbucks coffee stirring stick!  My wife was a school teacher for several years.  She is pretty sure I am autistic, I could agree.  I am not much for book learning.

Edited by Greg Wann
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