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This will be a challenge on multiple fronts.  The truck flipped over early in the movie so there aren't many scenes of it.  As a result,  there isn't much info on it.  I've been able to find enough to do a decent job, the decals for the doors will be tough.  Parts so far, AMT Autocar A64B for the chassis (may need to be shortened), Cab and hood from AITM (arrived an hour ago), rear wheels and tires from Jamie (just ordered), front wheels and tires from the Freightliner kit (leftover from the Brockway 6 wheel dump build).  That should do it for the cab, I will need a rooftop a/c unit, should have one in the parts box.  Then the trailer.  Have 2 flatbeds on order, will decide which one to use when they arrive.  I have the load figured out so I think the trailer will be the easier of the two but I haven't started yet!


8 hours ago, Warren D said:

Just to be clear, I'm not doing the truck as it looks in the photo, this will be pre-roll.

Oh...well it'll be an interesting project anyway..just kidding that was a WHAT ??? moment 


This is gonna be tough on many levels.  Research is going well, have some details to get straight.  First problem, the 5 hole rims on the tractor.  Placed the order with Jamie now I wait.  Probably need to have the wheels and tires in hand before setting the suspension on the chassis as the tires might be a little different size than stock.  I have the trailer kit, using the AMT fruehauf and calling it close enough.  Need to check some details if I can see them.  It would be nice to have access to the many stills taken during filming.......I have parts coming from England and still have more to order.  AITM Brockway 361 is in hand and I have the Autocar A64B kit for the chassis donor.  Looks like I'll have to shorten the frame.  Once I have the trailer details finalized, I'll start building that first.


We're probably gonna be building sled dogs together !!  I'm waiting on the tires from Jamie , and trying to get the other dog in primer before starting mine 

Really gonna enjoy  watching another Husky be born

1 hour ago, gotnitro? said:

We're probably gonna be building sled dogs together !!  I'm waiting on the tires from Jamie , and trying to get the other dog in primer before starting mine 

Really gonna enjoy  watching another Husky be born

I'm waiting on wheels and tires from Jamie as well.  Had to add wheels/tires for the trailer.  Watched the movie again, thought the trailer had 5 spokes but looks like 5 holes.  Trailer is almost together, have to paint some stuff first, then it goes together, minus the wheels/tires.  The longer I wait, the more I think to add....BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH squirrels


Warren..those little buggers can most definitely get ya side tracked lol  

I really feel left out as I ve never seen this movie..gotta fix that

20 hours ago, gotnitro? said:

Warren..those little buggers can most definitely get ya side tracked lol  

I really feel left out as I ve never seen this movie..gotta fix that

Might be better if you didn't......you'll be buying the AITM Rubber Duck Mack, the trailer from Keystone and then there is Pig Pen's Mack, Spider Mike's Diamond T....etc etc.


Well, the squirrels are getting itchy, once the load straps come in, I'll have to make the tie downs for the trailer.  The screen for the "protector" on the front of the trailer arrived so I can start on that.  I need to figure out the load, looks like RR ties but they seem a little small, might be landscape timbers.


Haha yeah those squirrels would drive me bonkers if I was to watch the film  !!! 

The load almost looks like 4x4 lumber but its tough to tell w the quality of the film , we won't beat ya up if its not exactly correct lol 



The trailer is well along, the ICC bar needs another coat of color then gets installed.  Tie down straps arrived from England yesterday and parts have been ordered for the anchors.  Wheels and tires on order from Jamie, mudflaps are done just need to get the tires on before mounting them.  Waiting to hear from the mill regarding the materials for the load. 




  • 3 weeks later...

Parts slowly trickling in.  Still waiting on wheels and tires for both units.  Meanwhile, this arrived in the mail yesterday:

This pile of wood is the load for the trailer, all 360 pieces.  Looks like I'll be busy for a while glueing them together.



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