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Thanks, Clay-Tamiya '66 Beetle and Ghia kits are highly recommended. The Revell kits are good, but a bit finicky with fit in some areas, but are still decent kits. This one I built is a Union kit, that came from IMC moulds. Unbuilt examples go in the $40 range, or there abouts. It is a stock/V8 Gasser 2 in 1.

Here's a couple more photos:





Too cool, Tony! :P

As If I don't have enough styrene on my bench, you just had to finish this one!

Green with envy here. Computer model sites bite! B) (Just Kidding Gregg! B) )

Too much plastic not enough time!


Thanks, Don. I hear you!! I've got way more styrene than I can hope to build, and not just VWs...I've got two unbuilt Union kits, and do plan on (eventually) building one stock, and another Gasser. This one has some parts box replacements for missing, or parts I didn't want on the build, so I look forward to building a box-stock Gasser.


WOW Tony, you did a REALLY NICE job on that kit! I remember when it was an IMC kit, along with the Little Red Wagon And the Avenger kit car . It was a fiddly kit to assemble then, when NEW! I don't even wanna think what ya mighta gone thru tryin to fix someone else's glue bomb! But ya dun real good, caz it came out great! GREAT SAVE! :)


Man, I have always wanted one of these, but never did get one, I even missed the reissue.....Duh!!! You did a great job Tony!!!


Neal, George, and John - Thanks for the comments! I'm pleased with the outcome!

A fiddly kit to be sure, like many old kits! But really nice little moulded details all through it. I found a few parts that are similar between this and my Lindberg LRW kit, mainly the V-8 valve covers, and the go pedal!

The biggest difference between the IMC and the Union reissue of this VW is the colour of the palstic (IMC - red, Union - white), and the Union instructions have most of the build and option notes in Japanese! I've managed to find, and win, two online auctions (a sealed one, and this built up, which came with another unbuilt kit in an open box, all Union kits). They are out there, and do fetch $30-40 for an unbuilt kit.

Posted (edited)

I definitely like your Bug! I'm torn on doing my IMC Bug Stock or Drag like yours. I like the stock look of them, but they just look too good when done in the Gasser Style!

The biggest difference between the IMC and the Union reissue of this VW is the colour of the palstic (IMC - red, Union - white), and the Union instructions have most of the build and option notes in Japanese!

I've never seen the Union kit, but both the IMC ones I have owned have been molded in white. The first one was in the late 70's and I was the first one that opened it. Maybe they had different colors during the run like the other manufacturers do?

Here's a couple of pics of the one I found a while back and am wondering if it looks like the kit you have. It's a Glue Bomb like yours started out as...




You wouldn't by chance happen to have a set of instructions that you could scan and send to me would you? I would be most appreciative since this one did not come with them. I mostly need them to make sure everything is in there.

Thanks for posting this, it's giving me inspiration on being able to fix mine!

-Scott H.

Edited by Scott H. AKA Cpt. Bondo

Thanks, Scott. I was not aware the IMC was moulded in white. I don't have one, and was going on 2nd hand info!

The Union kit is from the IMC moulds, so the kits are the same. The decal sheet is different.

I can scan the Union instruction sheet for you. I asked a friend to scan the IMC instructions for me, so if he does, I can send that along, too. The Union instructions have most written info in Japanese, but the rest is pretty easy to follow.


Yeah Tony, I think they just popped em in different colors. My IMC volksie was Green, My Avenger was green, and i had 2 IMC Dodge trucks, the LRW was ,of course, RED, and the IMC "Touch Tone Terror"was molded in white. They also made the Big Dodge Tilt cab that Lindburgs got out now, in white. All were pretty nice, if not fiddely,kits to build.At least I liked em! :lol:

Posted (edited)

Great info, thanks, George. They must have just used whatever colour was available when they produced the run. Good to know. Red must have been most prevalent for the Beetle, as I've only seen red on eBay. I saw an Avenger in green on there the other day.

Edited by Tony T

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