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Easy Cowl Hoods

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I saw one on eBay the other day and thought it wouldn't be too hard to make one for my Manza. I found a sheet of .40 sheet styrene and cut a pair of sides and the top.


I then filed a line on the underside where I wanted it to bend and glued the three parts together.


Then do some shaping to fit the shape of the hood your using. I put some tape on the hood to help center the part. I held it in place with some close pins and glued it in place.


After some more sanding I put a coat of primer to see how it looked. I still need to do some blending on the front but you get the picture.


I know it's a easy one but this shows how easy it is to make little goodies.

Made a couple more, one for my 78 Chevy P/U old fall guy and one for my 72 Chevy P/U Daully. On these I glued a thin strip down the middle for a body line.





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  • 2 months later...


I've done the same with a slightly different technique. I glued the large styrene sheet to the leading edge of the hood, then built a hidden support under the back half using .040 square rod. I massaged the large sheet to the gentle curve seen here and glued it to the support structure. After that had cured, I glued in sheets on the sides, slightly larger than needed and filed them down after it cured. The bead down the center is a craft wire blended in with putty. Mind you, this is a 1/18th diecast, so it was a little easier to work with.

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  • 3 years later...

What I have done is take the original hood and measured it. Then figured out how wide I want the cowl. then once i figured the center of the hood I measured half the distance of the cowl on both sides ofthe center. Once that is measured i draw lines on the hood and cut along the lines on both sides. then heat up,the front and bend it up to the heighth i want. Then I glue styrene to the sides but make it long towards the the back of the hood. then i use styene to finish the top off to the length of the sides. this way you use less plastic ancan stilll use the original hoods center peak on the cowl. i wish I had the picture of the one i did but can't find it right now.

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