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Does anyone have a good method for putting dents in the cars? I am doing a rusted out farm truck and need a good way to show some of the bumps and bruises it may have gotten while in use. The truck is the 1965 Chevy stepside and I always see dents in the doors, on the tops of the wheel wells.

Any ideas?

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i've found the best way to put dents in any car is to let the wife drive it

but in all seriousness, get yourself a lighter and heat up the plastic where the dents should be

then get another car (or a blunt object of your choice) and press it into the heated area to create the dents

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A forum friend from Belfast makes dented panels by using a pie plate, bent to the shape of the fender or other part, like this hood, then he puts real dents in it..

After the metal part is formed, the plastic original is cut away, then dented however you want,painted with a self etching primer then installed with CA

My friend will not participate on this forum due to a few members...But I have posted his creative genus for all to learn from!!.Thanks Nige!!







Edited by Stasch
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The way I did it on this weathered Farm truck, was two ways, for the large dents, I used a lighter and heated the plastic, then used my hobby knives hand and pressed it into the plastic, for the smaller dents I used a half round file and just removed material.






hope this helps,

If you want to know how the rust was done, I'd be more than happy to tell you.


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Thanks for the responses, I had thought about using my soldering iron to heat the plastic but a lighter would less of a hassle, thanks.

The pie pan stuff is awesome! I can see using for a wreck but I am just "dinging" it up to capture rough life of a retired farm truck.

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Truck looks great! I am going to try a technique with acrylics I found on this forum for the rust and weathering.

I plan on my truck to be rotting away on the back side of the property, even going to try to make other retired farm equipment for the display sceen.

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