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This is the AMT SnapFastPlus kit. It came with the silver painted on the lower body, but there were also mold lines still on it all.


And some nasty imperfections like these.


Since I don’t intend to reengineer the kit to mold the front and rear valances to the body before painting, I just screwed it… together… and sanded the seams smooth.


I used Tamiya Dark Metallic Blue as the base color.



Man, I wish this was a glue kit. I have the Mako Shark II kit and this would make a great pair of Sharks. Is it still available? If it is, I just might pick one up anyway.

This one is lookin good so far. I like it. :) Dan


Didn't MPC have a glue kit of the Mako that they re-released just before the AMT merger for a short time? i had a kit that looked a LOT like this but i'm NOT 100% sure it was a Mako. i don't have it, but i don't remember it being very builder-friendly, even for an adult builder!

i'd like to have one of these to redo like yours... going to keep my eyes open.


Curt, I think you're thinking of the Mako II. That's the one that I have and it is full of little parts and with the tilt front end. It was by MPC. It was also issued later as the "Street Fever" Vett I believe. I have that one also. It's mostly the same as the Mako but without the little shark on the front hood side and no steel springs for the front end. I wanted to make copies of the shark on the hood and try and make the Street Fever one as another Mako II. Time will tell if I can do it or not. Dan


ahhh... yep; you're right. i had that one, and an original T.H.E. Cat Stingray roadster, that i had NO idea the rarity of.

you're proving curbside promo-type models look GOOD with a bit of elbow grease and attention.


The interior details and wood grain were hand painted.



A few decals were added for the smaller gauges.


After looking at the photos of the real car I decided to cut down the shifter to look a little closer to reality.




I mixed a metallic/pearl white color for lower areas based on photos of the real car. It is more of a white than a silver to my eye.


I also scored some 45 year old paint (now that’s good lacquer…) I am using on it, at least it is about the same age as the first rendition of the real car…



Looking good. For a curbside/promo this shark I kit was actually quite good, the exception being the big screw holes in the front and rear clips. Are you aware that MCG also did a p/e set for this model. I'm glad to see that you've redone the bottom in correct white rather then the silver that they did the promo in. Entex also did a model of this car but it was in 1/20 scale and not nearly as good but it did come with the clear top.

I remember when this kit came out about '98 and shortly later AMT was trying to get rid of them in the big box stores for five bucks apiece. They were worth it for the cool wheels and exhausts alone. For anyone wanting one they shouldn't be too hard to find on the used kit sites as its last reissue was 2002.

The Mako Shark II kit was the one that mpc (also released by Airfix) did but it had only one release. The molds were then modified for the future Street Fever Vette, Custom Corvette and Street Shark releases. I doubt that we'll ever see a stock Shark II kit re-issued but at some point Round2 will probably re-issue the Shark I kit since those molds should be in excellent shape.


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