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While opening a 1984 STP Pontiac I became stressed. I was concerned with how I was going to build this car with out having to locate new decals -84 is hard to find. These decals were junk. I was able to salvage the decals , here is how I accomplished that feat

* scan decalsheet with scanner just incase you need to make more with inkjet decal paper

* sprayed a coat of polyerithane clear coat on the decal sheet

* using akylic paints carefully apply filler colors in the cracks matching the rest of the decal.

* respray 3 coats of clear of the decal (trying to get them to hold together)

* wait 3 days before doing any cutting

* decals must be cut close because the clear coat does leave a film

* when putting decals in water , do not try to slide them off the paper , let the water completely separate the decal from the paper before using.

* clear coat whole model to insure decals stay in place, if you dont like shine use a dull coat, i like high gloss.

some cracks may still be visable , but my wife says that is better because it adds to the nostalgia and oldness of the model.


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