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Happy New Year Fellas!!

Finally I finished the most detailed car which I built.

It is a great kit to build but need some attention in engine bay and trunk. I suggest you full pre-assembly before paint.

A 23 months build and over 400 hours. I didn't finished before because I was studing in 2012 to be a lawyer. Was to be a simple

community building group but it goes to another way of detailing.


- Body trims shaved;
- Bumper trims shaved;
- Mesh on front bumper;
- Wildened and carboned wing;
- Black mask in head lights;
- Sakatsu fog lights;
- Obsidian Schwarz from Mercedes-Benz PPG;
- Crystal Antimon Gray from Mercedes-Benz PPG;
- D800 PPG;
- Satin Clear by Kuriaki;
- Licence plate "Mopar" by Geronimo works;
- Windows replacement by Cliffo Caddy/Drago.


- P.E. seat belts by Mr. Model;
- Speakers/Subwoofer/Amps resin by Dan Studio;
- Modified trunk;
- Chincha metal foil;
- Semi-gloss Black Tamiya;
- Deck Tan Tamiya;
- Flat Aluminum Tamiya;
- Flocking;
- Scotch Mix 3M on gauges.


- Scratchbuilding coilover set;
- One-of-a-kind 20" Aoshima Trafficstar DTX;
- Scratchbuilding outter wheels;
- Scratchbuilding rear spindles;
- Modified rear axe;
- Super clean floor as "show car";
- Service cover engine removable;
- Exhaust system: HOK Kosmic Krome/PPG D800/Tamiya Clear Orange/Verniz Fosco;
- Stainless Steel Tips;
- Semi-gloss Black Tamiya;
- Deck Tan Tamiya;
- Brake tubes: Wire Up 0.5mm;
- Aoshima Brembo disk brake (Skyline GT-R 34 Z-Tune).

Engine/Engine Bay

- Custom 6.1 Hemi;
- Scratchbuilding one-of-a-kind serpentine pulley system;
- Brake/ABS: Stainless Steel Wire 0.5mm;
- Electrical wire revestment: Kyosho micro masking tape 0.4mm
- Electrical wire: "cabelinho de biscuit" 0.25/0.30/0.35mm
- A/C, DH, Alternador Air Cleaner resin Dan Studio;
- Scratchbuilding EFI system
- A/C Tubes: Wire Up 0.7/1.0mm e arame de aço inox 0.7mm;
- Scratchbuilding Air Intake;
- Scratchbuilding dipstick.

WIP http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=40574

I want thank you to following at here and a special thanks to Cliff Caddy and Drago to all support in this build.



Hard for me to say, because I don't like this car or these kinds of customs, but

SUPERB paint and detail, and something you should be proud to show to others and display at home.


1 word..... Maybe 2 words... Just MAGNIFICENT!!

Best detailed Magnum I've ever seen! Your efforts & time have paid off immensely bro! Absolutely well done!!

Saude Cliffo


Crazy clean! I built one of these as well, but just stock straight out of the box. I agree with you about pre-assembly under the hood before painting.


Hard for me to say, because I don't like this car or these kinds of customs, but

SUPERB paint and detail, and something you should be proud to show to others and display at home.

Same thing I thought :D

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