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Reference Material Charts - Tubing Sizes, Braided Line, A/N Fittings & Nuts & Bolts


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Mods.... Is it possible to have this thread Pinned to the top of this section? Thank You



Hello Fellas.... I have been thinking about doing this for a while because It seems we have a lot of people always looking for what size tubing, Nuts & Bolts, A/N Fittings and Braided Line for race cars. So have have been working on these for the past week developing these tables in an Excel spreadsheet. I had started doing this for myself when I started my Army Vega funny car kit to figure out what I should use to keep things in scale as best as I could But I had never really put them into spreadsheets like these til now. I thought it would be good to share with my fellow modelers here and if it could be of any use to any buddy.


I am hoping that maybe the Mods could possibly pin it to the top Here or maybe if I am wrong in putting it in the Drag Racing section they could put it where fitting. I just thought it was fitting for the Drag Racing section because of the typical uses for these materials but its not limited to just drag cars and can be used for any car.


I also wanted to let you all know if you are interested in having the Excel file I created just PM me and I will email you the file. I have these all set up on different tabs of the spreadsheet and I had to break them out and turn them in to jpgs so I could post on here. Hope this is helpful to everyone.

Tubing Sizes:





Braided Line:

-Descriptions are from an Earls catalog





Adding more in next few post.....

Edited by Mooneyzs
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Bill... PM me your email addy and I will send you the file. I also have the RB motion rod ends on there too. I just didnt create pics of them since i havent found all the 1:1 sizes yet.

Brad..thanks buddy. Will send you a copy

Jim...you are welcome

Charlie.... thanks bud. I was thinking it would be helpful too. I stand behind your products. Thank you for supplying the best braided line in the business. Nothing compares to it.

Edited by Mooneyzs
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If any Mod happens to cruise through here and see this; is there any way we can get this stickied/pinned somewhere so that we won't have to go digging for it when we need it. Otherwise, all of this effort will go to waste when the questions STILL get asked because this thread falls from page 1?

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Chris - You're spot-on with the scale equivalent sizes.

Most people look at the OD of a scale braided line and equate it with the size of the line they need. They don't realize that the 1:1 braided line size has to include the metal jacket (nominal ID) over the rubber line (nominal ID). So a 3/8" braided line at 1/16 scale isn't .023, but .035 (as you show it). This means instead of using Pro Tech's .025 braided line, you would use their .035 line and fittings. I also show similar sizing tables at my web site.

You hit the nail on the head with the hex nuts & bolts, too. Again, most people think if they measure across the flats of a scale head or nut they get the size they need. The 1:1 size bolt (5/16" for instance) isn't going to equal that across the flats, because 5/16" represents the shaft size, not the head size. The head and nut sizes are larger.

Great job!

Edited by TedsModeling
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