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Al Bergler's Aggravation A Competition Coupe Model (Monogram Slingster)

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Here are pictures of my finished Aggravation A/C coupe dragster built from the new Monogram Slingster. I can't say enough good things about this kit. If this kit truely was scaled down from the old Monogram Sizzler kit, it is amazing how well the Sizzler was engineered over 40 years ago!!! WOW. I had no problems with assembly. I like the scale feel of the chassis parts, much like the Revell Kurtis Kraft midgets they strived to keep as much in scale as they could and did a fantastic job.

Both the decals and the resin stack of bar bell weights are available from Scale Auto Details


I did change a few things. I did use the kit engine but added a resin cast Hilborn fuel pump. I made the Coors beer cans to cover the zoomie header ends and the shop rag stuffed in the injector scoop was made from a piece of cotton tee shirt painted with Tamiya Flat Red acrylic. I cast the stack of bar bell weights in resin. I used Ma's Resin wheels and slicks since they were a little bit larger than the kit items which appeared slightly too small to me. Because I used different wheels, I had to widen the rear axle by 1/4 inch (1/8th on each side) to properly space out the new slicks/wheels. Since the slicks were a little larger than the kit items I had to slightly increase the openings in the body for the slicks. I removed the body seam going across the roof and also removed the drip rails and filled in original rear wheel openings. I added the lower character line to the rear of the body using strected sprue and shortened the vertical body seams and scribed a horizontal body seam where the vertical seams end. I drilled a large hole in the rear of the body to mount the new scratch built push bar and added black styrene tube to look like a "gasket" between the body and the push bar (as seen on the real car). The paint on the frame, engine, and Bantam body was Tamiya Transparent Red over Tamiya Silver Leaf - airbrushed with an Aztek A470 airbrush. The paint was cut 1:1 with Dupli-Color lacquer thinner. Dupli-Color clear was airbrushed over the decals and on the frame and engine. The dragster "under body" was airbrushed with Tamiya Silver Leaf to represent dull. oxidized aluminum sheet. The original car did not have those panels painted. Al Bergler was a top notch fabricator and he made the dragster body panels out of sheet aluminum.

Freeze plugs were added to the engine and water necks were added to the front of the heads and steel plugs in the rear of the heads. Injector linkage was scratchbuilt from printer's aluminum sheet, thin wire, and brackets from Model car Garage. I used Arrowhead (no longer in business) machined aluminum blower pulleys and their cogged blower belt with decals I made for the belt markings. I stripped the kit chrome off of the Moon tank and glued it together with IPS Weldon #4. Before it dried I squeezed the top and bottom together to create a small bead on the seam. When that dried I sanded it down with 600-grit wet and dry sandpaper and finihed it with 2000-grit paper. I sprayed it with Tamiya White Fine Surface Primer (as I did the body and frame) followed by Tamiya Silver Leaf. The cap in the Moon tank was from Detail Master. The hold down straps were Line-o-tape 1/64th inch wide black tape. The blach tape and machined aluminum cap were brushed with Floquil flat to knock down the sheen. The fire wall of the Bantam body was covered with Bare Metal Foil Dull Aluminum to match the dragster body panels.

This is a fun kit to build and I wanted to build a model of this car for many years. I love the old drag cars.




I always like to display my models with a base and figure(s). I can just imagine the NHRA tech inspector saying he did not like the stack of bar bell weights and Al is telling him if he does not have them there he will just pop a wheelie.






Super job on that!!

Love the added details

COORS RULES ( we are getting it back in Canada soon!.... hope it's the same as I remember)

I recognize the Tamiya "College friends" guy.. where did you find more scale figures??


Super job on that!!

Love the added details

COORS RULES ( we are getting it back in Canada soon!.... hope it's the same as I remember)

I recognize the Tamiya "College friends" guy.. where did you find more scale figures??

The NHRA tech guy is from the Tamiya Rally Mechanic set.

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