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As I've said in other postings, next after cars, I love to build models from space ships. And here are two from the 1950's ready to launch. First up is Glencoe Model's 3 Stage Ferry Rocket. This a repop of the old Strombecker/Disney kit from the mid 50's. This is a Wernher von Braun design done for Disney's Man in Space episode on the 1950's Disneyland TV show. I'm very lucky to have the original series on DVD. So I did this model up to look as close as possible to how it was seen on show. Even though the TV show was done in the mid 1950's, Walt had the fore site to film it in color for later theatrical release.



The second rocket is the Monogram Willy Ley Passenger Rocket. This is the late 90's SSP repop of the original late 50's version.



Both were fun kits to build with very few problems. If I had a better camera for posting these pictures, I would have loved to show you more detail of each kit. There are some fun things you can not see in these photos.


Posted (edited)

I have the Disneyland TV space shows too, and they're still cool to watch. Strombecker also offered this:


Interesting how Kubrick used a more advanced version of this wheel design in "2001."

Edited by sjordan2
Posted (edited)

nice build, In my childhood I built the "Atlas" rocket that was a large staged rocket,


I loved building the Revell space station, That is something they need to repop



Greg the Revell 1959 Space Station is the holy grail of model kits to me. I've talked to the folks at Revell about repopping this kit. Sorry to say, they told me it will never happen. They said the dies for the kit are long gone. That's a shame. From my understanding, it was only released the one time and was not a big seller. I'll bet that's part of the reason the dies went missing.

Maybe someday we'll each find one. But, I'm not holding my breath.

The other space kit I'd like to see Revell reissue is the 1957 XSL-01 Moon Rocket. I think this may have been offered than once. In an abbreviated form. I'd love to see this kit back in its full glory, complete form.


Edited by unclescott58
Posted (edited)

I got to see and touch a virgin space station kit at a toy show two years ago, price was, well out of this earth! I wonder if it was lost when these got lost?


Story goes that the ship sunk bringing the molds back from Brazil


Edited by GLMFAA1

Interesting space models, i love the Wernher von Braun design rocket (on the first pictures).

Story goes that the ship sunk bringing the molds back from Brazil

Is this for real ?

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