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I've seen some of these before. One of the ones I not seem before was the Cutlass with huge wheels. At the same time I'm not buying it. It has to photo shopped. The details don't look right. The basic car itself also seems a little small compared to other car in the parking lot. How would you get n and out of it? Plus I'm not sure something like that would be legal to drive on the street. As I said, I'm not buying it.

There were a couple of others, like the Cutlass, that I don't think were real either. They just don't look right or real to me. Others, the ones that do look real, are just done in bad taste.


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1 to 1 versions of what some of us old timers built in the early '60's, every customizing part in the kit had to be used, if not in the kit they came in then another kit. The results were often just as ugly as these real nighmares.


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