deja-view Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 (edited) This is a really great CBP with so many possibiities. I have several dead projects that I have wanted to restart for years (1/12 Doyusha Lancia Stratos, 1/12 Fujimi Calsonic Nissan GTR; 1/8 Entex/Revell Lotus 72D), but the one I really want to get back into is my 1/8 Entex Porsche 934 RSR. I did a little bit of decal work a couple of weeks ago, and because they were so hard to work with (old) I stopped again because I hadn't prepped the body enough. Maybe a CBP like this would keep me interested and going if I could join in. I'd sure like to get it done before I can't build anymore. It is painted and the engine is started, but that's about all. is this acceptable? What's with these lines through my post? Edited January 25, 2012 by deja-view
W-409 Posted January 25, 2012 Author Posted January 25, 2012 Yeah, entries are very welcome! So what cars actually you are building, all of them or just one? I guess you've pushed that S button, which on that "control panel", where you write the text. Try pushing it again, and text is back to normal, I guess.
deja-view Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 (edited) Oh...this control panel? Now I have underline and line through. Now, underline. Now.....back to normal. Whew! OK, I looked at each of them and as much as I'd like to say I could do more than one I'd be lying to myself. The Calsonic is decaled and has one coat of Future to seal and protect the decals, but nothing else is done. I'd probably do an almost box stock on it, so it would be the easyist. The Stratos was painted in the basewhite and some of the black added, but nothing else. That's a much more complex build, though, and I was hoping to superdetail it....lots of time required. I also have a 1/12 ERTL '64 GTO that I took apart, painted red, and have some simple mods I was going to add for a mild period street custom (but that's not a race car, and I don't think they made them in convertibles). Actually the easiest of the 4 because it doesn't have to be exact. The one I have been trying to get back to for years is the Porsche. It would duplicate the one in my avatar. It's been painted, and I'm trying to work with the old decals and an incorrect engine. Lots of hard work to go, but I hate to leave it sitting and sitting. Maybe all the "crew" can suggest which one I should do. I have pics of them in their present state on my Fotki site on the "my models WIP" album. I think if I post a pic of one or each it will open the link for the rest. Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fotki Hosted on Fot Darn....more that I forgot. You see why I can't finish any of them? I need a vote. Hosted on Fotki Was gonna make a stock version and a race version: Hosted on Fotki And this one (I have two) that I have both Yenko and Grumpy's Toy decals in 1/12 for: Hosted on Fotki Edited January 25, 2012 by deja-view
deja-view Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 (edited) Ya know what? After putting up those pics I can't help but drool over the prospect of doing a recreation of one of Grumpy's '69 Camaros. I have lots of pics, but no really good ones of the engine and interior. I guess I could "wing it". But here's the rub: The rest are already in color and one of my limitatins now is being able to paint. If you notice, the Lotus and Nissan are set up to use oem body color (I polish the plastic to remove imperfections). I have pretty bad RA and it has affected my lungs and heart. I'm not usually able to do much painting except outside...but it's too cold most of the time. I have actually taken my paint box into the sun on 60 degree days, but it's a lot of work. I could spray in the garage if I cover my Mustang and set up dust prevention. I'm a total whacko when it comes to perfecting the paint with no dust or flaws, but that takes a really clean space. I do have a method but it means still air and sucking fumes. If I can overcome this part of the process I'd love to do this rare build. The other issue is something I may get help here with: covering the orange with white and having it stay white. The last car I did with white over a bright color was this Revell '34 Ford. It took a ton of work and recoating to stop the bleed through. In fact, I finally added pearl and clearcoat and gave up on pure white. Hosted on Fotki If someone has a foolproof method of sealing off the orange so it won't bleed through I'd appreciate the information. Edited January 26, 2012 by deja-view
bandit1 Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 Hey vote on you building that 69 camaro!.....i have the exact same kit in my stash .....
deja-view Posted January 25, 2012 Posted January 25, 2012 (edited) Hey vote on you building that 69 camaro!.....i have the exact same kit in my stash ..... I'm leaning there if I can solve the bleed through problem. There's this version: Hosted on Fotki Or, this: Hosted on Fotki Or, going to the Yenko version: Hosted on Fotki Edited January 26, 2012 by deja-view
deja-view Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 (edited) Really clean build, Liam. Really clean and sharp! Really fast, too. Edited January 26, 2012 by deja-view
W-409 Posted January 26, 2012 Author Posted January 26, 2012 Ken-all of them are interesting, but I would vote for that Camaro too. Or then that Porsche. Liam-Turned into very nice MCLaren! Paintjob is great after all, and really like how it sits. Looks just "right", and it's very cleanly built. Thanks for joining in, I'll add that "Finished" text to the entry list.
wgflatliner Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 Call me strange for saying this but if I were to vote for a build, I would say the lancia stratos first because it's weird looking. Then the skyline because it's a skyline. Why not tackle a couple?
deja-view Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 Call me strange for saying this but if I were to vote for a build, I would say the lancia stratos first because it's weird looking. Then the skyline because it's a skyline. Why not tackle a couple? The Skyline I could build fairly quickly (that might be a month or more for me), but the Stratos would be so much more detailed that I can't imagine finishing in less than 4-6 months. Of course, neither are getting anywhere right now. It's a matter of me putting other things aside and just doing it. I have so many models WIP now that it's overwhelmed me. Of course, every start had the intention of being finished in a reasonable time. Yeah, right. Most of them have at least been painted or ready to start component assembly. My biggest challenge to be honest is that I'm so OCD I get bogged down in detail and quit if I can't get it right. The big Porsche got stuck because the engien was presented incorrectly and I couldn't duplicate the real alternator/fan drive bracket....almost 10 years ago. Stupid, huh? I just can't help it. I was excited about the Camaro (again). Got out my decals and PE parts and ref pics, then considered the whole painting/polishing issue. Getting cold feet on that one. Last night I found another 100 reference pics for the Porsche. Good Lord! But they do answer questions I had about many of those tiny details I was stuck on. But, you're right about the Stratos. It is different and really cool. And, in 1/12 scale it's a great piece on the shelf or at a show. You're not gonna believe this, but what stopped me on the Stratos is whether the cam covers should be red or black. My ref pics show both, so I actually quit because I didn't want to be "wrong". I know...ridiculous. Maybe I just need encouragement to finish whatever I started. To make things worse, I started a USS Missouri last year, a 1/32 Atomic Cannon I have wanted to re-build since I was 10, a 1/15 Walker Bulldog, two mre versions of the Revell 1/16 '34 Ford (the one in the pic was a magazine car), and a custom 1/18 Mercedes 300 street rod. Also bought several more that I just couldn't resist. I thought retirement would allow me to do all these long desired projects, but health and grandchildren have created additional roadbumps. My wife doesn't complain, but she thinks I'm overdoing it. I can't disagree. Oh....and the cars on my Fotki site? Yeah, total restoration of the Mustang, bigtime mods and maintenance on the ZR-1, too much time spent on the others, and all the regular maintenance on the rest of our cars. And, I clean house. OK....maybe that's why I only sleep 4-5 hours a night. It's gotta be some kind of insanity, but I see other modelers with lives who build really, really nice stuff. So, I should be able to at least finish something....right? I'll go through all the kits again and pick by the weekend. I think. I'll sure try. God help me. This started when I was about 10 years old. Sigh.
wgflatliner Posted January 26, 2012 Posted January 26, 2012 If I were doing the lancia I would do a red valve cover to help the engine pop, and maintain the realistic part of it.
deja-view Posted January 27, 2012 Posted January 27, 2012 (edited) If I were doing the lancia I would do a red valve cover to help the engine pop, and maintain the realistic part of it. For some reason at the time I was trying to get started on the Stratos I remember doing a lot of reading and looking at pics of the engine. Doyusha made the cam covers in the shape of the Lancia or Dino's with the deep valley in the middle and the more pronounced cam chambers. I could never find that shape or labeled covers in the red/orange, so i started with the darkened aluminum look I had seen on many of them. The red/orange covers were more rounded and smooth with no emblem or script. If someone has a pic of a set that was used at that time to show orange on the Lancia/Dino/Ferrari covers I'd sure like to see it. I remember some explanation of that...having to do with a particular race or race season or sponsors for the car, but not sure where I have the reference. So, as much as I like the orange I'm not sure if I should use it. I want the whole car to look driven, raced, or at least utilized. I spent the day looking through well over 1500 pics of the Stratos' of that era, along with reading about the development of the car and engines. What I found is that the Dino engine that was adopted has th esquared cam journals/valleys and are almost always aluminum, black, or just plain grungy. I only found one set of red cam covers of this type, but I couldn't identify the car. The red covers were from the 4 valve engines/heads that were only allowed to race for a very short time at the end of 1977. I found 3 or 4 pics, but again could not identify the specific car. It looks like the Duyosha engineers couldn't decide which way to go so they went half way and totally incorrect. The Dino covers have a very deep valley for the plugs, and have easily seen bolts. I'm not sure where they got the Lancia script on the kit covers. The kit covers are neither squared with a deep valley and the Dino script nor rounded with no center valley. I may try to alter them to be more correct....but this is exactly the kind of stuff that keeps me from finishing projects like this. I'm almost 100% that the #1 car I'm going to present used the normal 2-valve deep centered cam covers. I have no idea which car was allowed to use the red 4 valve covers. So---I have a little work ahead. Or, I could just forget all that and use the totally incorrect kit parts. Edited January 28, 2012 by deja-view
Haubenschild Posted January 28, 2012 Posted January 28, 2012 Can you add me again with a Lotus 25 ( built as a restored version )
W-409 Posted January 28, 2012 Author Posted January 28, 2012 Liam is in with that Lotus too, thanks for joining in! Ken: Sounds interesting, can't wait to see pictures of build(s).
Haubenschild Posted January 30, 2012 Posted January 30, 2012 I got some painting done today , here are all the parts that have to be chromed , this was my first time using alclad
W-409 Posted January 30, 2012 Author Posted January 30, 2012 Looking good, I've been planning to buy some Alclad too. That painting is quite tricky? But anyway, what you did with it, looks very good to me, and I'm sure that Lotus will be great build when finished. Hopefully today I have some time to take my Corvette Finally back to the bench.
wgflatliner Posted January 30, 2012 Posted January 30, 2012 The key to alclad is as follows: Make the plastic as smoooooooth as possible. If you dont, these minor imperfections will absolutely show up. Then apply primer. Then you will need to make sure to use gloss black as the color, again making sure to make it smooth. Then mist on the chrome from about 8-12 inches away at a medium pace. Keep misting until you get the desired look you are going for. The trickiest part is to avoid touching it even after it cures because it will easily rub off. You could use future floor wax to seal it though. Now for my project I got the car in future clear coat and put it in the dehydrator to cure. I also got a majority of the carbon fiber decals done. I need to do a bit more work with the rear suspension and the photo etched parts, otherwise the engine bay is about 90% done. I also need to do the exhaust and heat treating and install the turbos, then I will be closer to done. I am taking pics during progress, and will post up when I get a chance.
Haubenschild Posted January 31, 2012 Posted January 31, 2012 (edited) I got the engine finished and interior parts painted , I am missing one part on the engine , its either on the floor or in my dogs stomach Edited January 31, 2012 by Haubenschild
W-409 Posted January 31, 2012 Author Posted January 31, 2012 Thanks Mark for the help! It's about one month now before the next Model Car Contest here in Finland, maybe I must look if I find some Alclad there. It would help me alot with some projects. I guess that Gloss Black can be Revell Enamel-or Humbroll? Great to hear, you're making progress. Hopefully we can see some pictures soon. Liam: Looking very good too, that shade of silver looks good on that engine!
wgflatliner Posted January 31, 2012 Posted January 31, 2012 The brand black you use won't matter just make sure it's smooth.
W-409 Posted January 31, 2012 Author Posted January 31, 2012 Well that's great. I like those Revell or Humbroll Enamel colors very much, because they are quite easy to paint. Smooth is not problem anymore, I guess, just bought all of the Polishing stuff from Model Car Contest.
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