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Everything posted by epi4561

  1. we all know of the dry brushing technique used to accentuate the raised areas of areas to bring out the detail. Example, dry brushing silver or aluminum over a black dash to show the stereo details etc... I was wondering if there was a reverse technique of some sort? Something that would achieve the opposite effect. Specifically, I have a 79 Camaro that I want the grill to be blacked out. however I want there to be some sort of highlight that brings out the inner detail of the grill.. Almost something that would make you think that daylight was shining through. I realize that I can just reverse the process and dry brush the black over a lighter base color. But I don't want to use Silver or aluminum. Any Ideas on a better base color? or even ideas on a different technique? I'm open to any and all possibilities. thanks-epi
  2. I would, but as I am a newbie with relatively no "inventory"... I really don't have anything to offer up for trade at the moment.. I do appreciate the suggestion though.. thanks-epi
  3. Yikes, that's too big. 26" is not what I was looking for. thanks-epi
  4. Excellent!!!... I appreciate the info guys. I will definitely check out that PE kit in addition. thanks-epi
  5. So, you're saying that mold max will expand when soaked in naptha and will contract back to its original size without compromising the original mold? How long before the mold started contracting again? thanks-epi
  6. Has anybody ever seen or used something like this on their plastic models? I was wondering if it would be a good buy for someone who is new to the hobby and doesn't have a big (or even a small for that matter) spare parts bin. http://www.diecastfast.com/diecast/DCF/PROD/WHLS-2003 thanks-epi
  7. Ok... I got some more info on my Dad's '62 Bonneville..... It was actually a '60 Bonny. not a '62. So... I did some research and found a trumpeter 1:25 scale model. Does anybody know anything about this kit? I'm probably going to try and get it regardless, I just want to know if anyone has experience with it and what they thought of it. thanks-epi
  8. If I do end up going this route, which model do you recommend I get for the convertible conversion and also for the motor and wheels, etc... that don't come with the resin kit? thanks-epi
  9. also, some more searching led me to this link. It's an 85 Iroc z (Monogram 854015) with no pic but it looks like its due to be released in October. http://www.hobbylinc.com/htm/mon/mon854015.htm
  10. E-bay has some dealer promo models that you might be able to use. I just checked and there was an 88 and a couple of 90's, I think. Might be a good start .. good luck That Iroc looks Nice!!!!!! thanks-epi
  11. I love that episode... I just watched it again this evening. I absolutely love the caddy almost perfect reconstruction except for the newspaper repair done on a Wednesday. Can't wait to see the pickup or the murderers Camaro. LOL..... They don't hate Americans, They don't even single us out. Or we aren't the only ones singled out.. It's entertainment. And as a slightly overweight, ginger, American who likes cheeseburgers, I find them terribly entertaining..... I love how they always crash into James' car. thanks-epi
  12. The first, and favorite, car my Dad ever owned was a 62 Bonneville convertible. I want to build one for him. However, I am finding that 62 Bonneville convertible models are very rare and if I do happen to find one, rather expensive. So my questions to you all.... the masters. If I decide to go another route, is there a suitable kit than can be modified to become a 62 Bonneville? A 60 or 61 Bonneville? Or even a Catalina? Or even a Chevy or any other GM of the same year? I'm up for some suggestions. No matter how outlandish they might seem. thanks-epi
  13. Erik, I must say that this does look absolutely amazing. I am currently working on the Revell kit that a few others have mentioned. I'm not sure about you guys but this car is a "fussy" one to paint. lots of curves and crevices. She's had several baths this month.. and with the water shortage and all... she's done getting cleaned no matter how "dirty" she gets.. lol Keep it upi, we're watching..... @usmc4810 and JAYDAR...... with your aftermarket parts and multiple kits, etc... you wouldn't happen to have any extra mesh from the Revell kit, or you wouldn't happen to know if any of the aftermarket screens for the tamiya or fujima etc.. kits would work on the Revell Enzo would you? Mine was given to me as an open box and did not have any mesh in it. been looking for a suitable replacement any/everywhere. I don't want to hijack this thread so I will send you guys messages asking the same.. thanks-epi
  14. I sure am glad Casey resurrected this post. Otherwise I never would have seen it. That roof looks amazing on that body. Simply OUTSTANDING!!!!! I hope your itch comes back soon. I would love to see how this turns out. thanks-garry
  15. looks good... I just got this kit and the Monogram testarossa 512tr kit for $20 shipped from ebay. Are my eyes deceiving me? Looking at the corregated sidewalls in your last post, it looks like two different trailers. maybe it's just due to resized images or the fact that it's 1:00 in the morning. Anyway, looking good.
  16. This kit was given to my son already opened and of course it was missing the mesh.. so I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do for that. On a side note, I think I royally screwed this thing up... I messed up one of the clear coats and wound up having to give it a bath.. Well, I guess I didn't let it bath long enough because it wasn't making a dent on the clear coat so I tried lightly scraping it off with fingernail and other devices.. well I wound up gouging the "stuff" out of it.. so after much sanding and experimenting with plaster filler and wood fillers (I know it's not the best and some of you veteran builders are just shaking your heads, but it is what I had handy at the time).. Anyway, I got most of the scratches out, I'm hoping the remaining ones are small enough to be masked by the clear and color sanding. Honestly, I'm to the point that I just want to finish it, I don't care how good or bad it looks.. argggh...
  17. Thanks guys for your help.. It looks like I hit Double Whammy.. I let it sit too long and didn't thin it.. oh well, live and learn. thanks-epi
  18. no, its from a rattle can. it shouldn't need to be thinned, should it? I thought I read somewhere on here that it doesn't need to be thinned.
  19. I apologize if this has already been covered. I searched, but could not find anything on my problem.. I have decanted some of the Krylon Triple Thick Crystal Clear Glaze in a glass jar. and let it set over night.. I've discovered through the search feature, that it is not entirely necessary to do that. Anyway, the problem I was having is that when I sprayed it through my airbrush, it came out looking like spray adhesive. Does anyone have any clue why something like that might happen? thanks-epi
  20. As promised, some better pics from my real camera. Body still need to wet sand and reclear: And some shots of the engine and interior: OOPS...... I'm not sure if you noticed, but I put the drivers seat belt logos on upside down. Anyway, that's my progress so far. It shouldn't be much longer before it's done. Thanls for looking. thanks-epi
  21. This is one of the most incredibly impressive things I've ever seen. I am in awe. Thanks for allowing us all the honor of watching this build. thanks-epi
  22. Some time ago, my brother gave me several boxes of model cars and one of them was the Midnight Z. I got it out the other day and saw that he had already glued the entire thing together. nothing was painted, just glued(heavily) together. So I decided I was going to dismantle it and try to start from scratch. ** soap residue from sitting in the suds for a couple of days** I was able to carefully remove all of the Head lights, taillights windows, etc.. except for the rear windshield. The connector tabs broke off (still on the car) and the rear windshield itself snapped in two. I guess will glue it for the time being until I figure out a more permanent solution.. Anyway, my son wants to fill in the t-tops to make it a solid roof. Shouldn't be too hard to do as my first "customizing project". He also wants it painted his favorite color, which is green. So I'm thinking maybe a lime-green pearl with a few layers of duplicolor green metal cast over the top of it along with some traditional looking black racing stripes. It should be fun. thanks-epi
  23. As this is my first post, I'd like to start off by saying WOW!!!!! You guys are absolutely amazing! I joined this site a couple of weeks ago and have been looking around at all of the projects but am yet to post anything until now. This is my first attempt at model cars. Actually, I did put one together around 25 years ago, or so, but I'm not going to count that one since it was so long ago. So my 8yr old son (a HUGE car nut) received the Revell Enzo Ferrari from his uncle a couple of months back. The box was already open, so I am guessing his son looked inside at all the pieces and decided he did not want it. So he gave it to my son. So once summer break came around, we got all the pieces out and started working on it. Below are a few "cruddy" pics taken from my iphone. A couple body shots (Red Tamiya Acrylic and Krylon Crystal Clear triple thick): Here's one of the Engine Compartment: I'm actually quite a bit further than the pics would indicate. But remember when I said the box was already open when he gave it to us, well the screen mesh was missing, so I need to come up with some mesh or a comparable substitute soon. Wow.. Sorry the pictures are so blurry. I will have to dig out the "actual" camera and take some real pics. Don't get too excited though, it's not going to be as good as what you guys are all used to seeing. thanks-epi
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