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    Soren Danger Sorensen

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  1. Hey guys Wow - some incredible builds coming along here - great looking machines. Well, my "goat" is also coming along - allthough it looks more like a disaster at the moment. Unfortunately i invited Mr. Dremel and his friend the cutting wheel to join me Started to cut apart the interior - removed the tunnel and back seat, to replace it with tube and plain sheet from Evergreen - will give it a clean look Also cleaned out the rear part of chassis as it has to be narrowed to fit the wide rear tires Cut apart the wheels i found for this build as it had all been glued together - and as i want an "open" look, i had to change that. Will look okay when finished i think Might go for the slicks instead of road tires for the rear though. Mid section of the bonnet was cut out aswell - i want to try make a center raised "original" hood - and if there is not room enough, i´ll simply drill two holes for the air filters Front and rear bumper were fitted to the body and sanded in place - want to have a clean look on both front and rear - and painted in body colour. Cut out the rear lights, and will try to replace them with clear lenses. So, thats all from me for now - hope You like my progress so far. Thanks for looking Cheers Søren
  2. Hey guys Some pretty nice things coming together for the race - competition is going to get tough. But - made a little on the TA again. Got the frontbumper attached and have started to update on it aswell - removed the extra light in the lower grill and made new holes for modern LED fog lights - next up will be new headlights Rear bumper is on aswell - will replace the rearlights with one´s in clear plastic and try to make them look like LED´s aswell Also got started on the chassis. Cleaned both front and rear suspension and removed material on mounting brackets to lover them, which gives exactly the clearance i was going for. Also remowed the welded in exhaust system, as i will scratchbuild a new sports exhaust with outlets going to the side. This was all for now - next up will be the engine and cutting the bonnet giving room for the blower. Thanks for watching. Cheers Søren
  3. Yes, they are partly homegrown. The inserts are the kit wheels which has been adjusted (bigger) to fit into the aluminium rings from Scaleproduction/Germany. Happy You like´m Cheers Søren
  4. Hey I´ve been sorting out some parts to give the GTO a little more power and took some mock up´s to show You what my plan is. Don´t mind the wheels - they need to be sitting deeper, so that i can lover the ride height a bit That´s all from me for now - thanks for looking. Cheers Søren
  5. Hey Found a little time to mess around a little with my TA, and found some of the parts to use for it. Just as a little teaser i made a few mock up pictures These mods should give the neccesary speed and handling. Now i will work on the mods for the body to modernize it a bit. Thanks for looking Cheers Søren
  6. Hey Being a big fan of Pro Street cars, i just HAVE to join this. As i also have joined the "Cannonball" build, i might be a few days late starting this one. My choise of car is a 69 GTO with "The Judge" trim. Body will, besides the hood, be stock - major changes will be done to the undercarriage, engine bay AND interior. Also found the wheels to use for this build, but might change my mind on those if something better comes up. Here are a few pictures of kit and wheels I´ll be following all other builds with great interest and for inspiration. Cheers Søren
  7. Oh my god - i had to go a looooong way back to find this one again. Guess i´m not the mosf frequent updating guy. Well - i¨m back with this one - mostly because i have a little time now during the christmas holiday Okay, here´s the update on this one. Did manage to finish the shiny part of the paintjob, and just managed to give it the first layer of clear I´ve done the wheels in the same paint scheme as this is supposed to be a "non chrome" custom Even the interior got some of the same colours - only diffeence - these are satin colours The engine - tried some clear with sparkles in on the red part - but does not look like much when taking pictures and finally - engine testfitted on the chassis that was sprayed satin black - will get a few red elements aswell So, thats all for now. Sorry about the late update - next one will be sooner - promised Cheers Søren
  8. Hi again As documentation of the non stared kit, here are the promised photos of the box and content To follow my idea here´s a little story: The "Bandit" wants to do a comeback on the roads, so he call´s "Year one" getting them to put together a new car for him, which he can ues in the "2013 Cannonball run". He wants them to use the car from the first movie - the 77/78 Trans Am, but just putting it up to current standard. Now it will just be up to me getting the model there - will keep Ya all updated on the progress when ideas comes to mind - but one thing is for sure - the 15" will be replaced with something more modern - i´m thinking 19" or similar. Have a nice day gentlemen and a happy new Year when we get there. Cheers Søren
  9. Hey - this sounds like fun and could give me the kick of actually getting something done. I´ll be using the ´78 Firebird TA 3 in 1 from Revell and look for inspiration from Year one and the Firebird from "The Wraith". Pictures will be posted later when taken. Cheers Soren
  10. Hey everyone Finally got some more done to the camaro - it was painted - and this time it went well. While getting ready for paint, i decided NOT to go for the orange and black look - maybe because it has been used too many times already - but instead go for some less colourful. But regarding my choise of colour, i´ll just let the pictures do the talking - hope You like it Next up will be some black pinstriping to seperate the light and dark colour and then some clear coating. Thanks for looking. Cheers Soren
  11. Hey Rich Nope - i went back and corrected it But regarding the engine swop - why not - at least thats were i have the electronic fuel injection for my Camaro from Cheers Soren
  12. Hey Guys Ups, sorry - should have been 90 instead of 80 - You are absolutely right But thanks for Your comments anyway. Cheers Soren
  13. Hey guys I am quite impressed with what is going on here, and had second thoughts on putting this one up or not - but i decided to do anyway. This was my first attempt to "pimp" up a car model - and my choise fell on a Corvette - allthough i might have choosen another year for my project !!! Basicly i just used what was in the kit - only scratch was the scoop, the rear spoiler and the exhaust. I tried to do a paintjob without using any decals - took a little time masking it off, but i think it went okay. Here are the pictures Thats all for that one - my next Corvette will be an older version - but also modified Thanks for looking Cheers Soren
  14. Hi all Firstly i hope it is okay to post this topic here, as i still believe it to be more car than truck For this conversion i use the 78 El Camino kit from Revell I have started this build a litle while ago, and started up by cutting away these parts AND that is what i ended up with - on purpose that is The model will be using these wheels and be running on this chassis and this is what it is looking like right now My next move will be to fit the airride suspension on the back and to fit the rear wheel fenders in a custom like style using these parts My intention is to fit a sliding floor working on hydraulics(non working) and to put another car on it as load. Hope You also will find this project interesting Thanks for looking. Soren
  15. Hey everyone My second project i would like to share inhere, is my build of the 79 TA. My intention is to do it a litlle more "modern" or "fresh" or whatever i should call it. Basis is the AMT Anniversery edition (silver/grey), which showed up to take up a little work. I´ve started up making bumbers fit the body and sanded everything in shape - i also removed the marks from the t-top, as my edition will be the one without. I have also opened up the front lights as i will replace the kit ones with some with more depth As i am a big wheel kind of guy, i found the kit wheels just a little to small I decided to use the "honey comb" wheels from the 77 TA Revell kit and to modify them to fit these alloy rims and this is, after a little modification, how they look now and fitted to the alloys they look like this now All 4 wheels are "almost" finished and ready for some paint I also managed to give the rear wheels a deeper dish look aswell Here are a few pictures the current state My inspiration for this build is the "Year One" TA Bandit edition - but mine will be candy blue instead of black - and if i should want to make the real one, i have a 77 TA in the stash waiting for that project So guys, thats it for this project - more to follow. Hope You like it ! Thanks for looking Soren
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