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    mike cassidy

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  1. as seen in the video, he solders the top and bottom hinges to the pivot rod, he almost always shows exactly what he uses for metal parts, usually nickel plated or straight nickel which can be soldered without too much fuss.
  2. you may have dodged a bullet.
  3. Volvo P1800, could be modded into a Cyan, great restomod base, could also be optioned as a wagon. oops, missed previous post due to no picture.
  4. this item is relatively inexpensive and would allow the use of previously posted drill bit chucks. https://www.harborfreight.com/48v-cordless-14-in-screwdriver-kit-59758.html
  5. this looks like a good candidate, as stated above, keep the rpm's low if you don't want to melt plastic: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TB6J7Z1/ref=sspa_dk_detail_0?pd_rd_i=B08TB6J7Z1&pd_rd_w=xEY0a&content-id=amzn1.sym.4c2f1198-6238-4523-9ffc-0af298bb25ac&pf_rd_p=4c2f1198-6238-4523-9ffc-0af298bb25ac&pf_rd_r=V4GTSYFC8PHEK7NDA5TC&pd_rd_wg=AzeNK&pd_rd_r=e3871aeb-0f54-47b1-91b7-7ba4c22df7e9&s=hi&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM&th=1
  6. speaking as a person that has rebuilt many of these, it's really nice to see them with all the proper linkage on them rather than a blob of plastic.
  7. they're probably just out of blinker fluid.
  8. odd to make a carb that everyone loved to hate.... That being said, it's a necessity for certain mopar stock builds. (and since everyone liked to throw them out, one of them ran well on my '68 Firebird, you just have to know how to work on them)
  9. please remember that this forum is paid for by Gregg H and most likely the moderators don't get paid for herding cats. More than likely when you created your account, you agreed to the very things you are complaining about. It would be unfortunate if the moderators had to adopt the "one strike and you're out" ruling I have seen in Faceborg modeling groups. Please be nice to the administrators and moderators, they receive very little thanks from the cats they are herding.
  10. nice Cunningham, I've wished occasionally that someone would come out with a Cunningham C3 but I know there's not enough market for such an obscure car.
  11. I'm guessing this is what you're shooting for...
  12. I agree with Rodent, GM "usually" used Rochester carbs. Carter carbs were more common on MOPARs
  13. bumping this to bring it back in view
  14. found this: https://www.curbsideclassic.com/blog/engines/forgotten-engines-1964-1965-pontiac-215-six-built-by-pontiac-or-chevrolet/ and this:
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