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Pat Minarick

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About Pat Minarick

  • Birthday 12/27/1966

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Pat Minarick

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    Patrick Minarick

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Pat Minarick's Achievements

MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Did a quick build last weekend for the 24 hour challenge and working this weekend. Might get a little build time in later today.
  2. I used the Monaco roof with the stock height ,the Monaco windshield fits without changing it. In the rear were it meets the Cuda roof and the Monaco roof was sanded down just to blend into each other.The b-pillars were shortened to fit the body about a 1/16 of an inch. It is taller than a two-door. The 1:1 would be much better if they would have used the B-body windshield like the factory would have. And maybe pinched the rear door tops in a little. I'm not putting down the 1:1 car , that had to be a lot of work. A plastic model is a lot easier to work with 😀 Jimmy Flintstone did a casting of this with the interior and chassis pan and supposed to be making it available soon.
  3. Just to let you guys know of I dissappear it's not my choice. Keep having to send emails and reset my password. Keeps saying I'm banned, but then says to reset my password. Can a moderator please let me know what's going on?
  4. Why do I keep having to reset my password. Keep getting a your banned when I try getting on . Send an email then later I have to reset my password to get back on. No messages or answers to what is going on. Can someone please help me and tell me what's going on please.
  5. Never liked the windshield on this , they should have used a b- body piece.
  6. Thank you
  7. Working on a headliner, some truck detail ,filled in the open area in front of the core support, and the chassis is all fitted. I know it's not a 73 chassis but I can live with it.
  8. I prefer a forward opening hood and really hate hitting my head on the safety latch on a Mopar. Still have to build an inner truck taillight panel and a big fuel tank , then I'll start painting.
  9. Thank you!
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