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About Daddyfink

  • Birthday 12/19/1967

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build
    1/25 1/24 1/16

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Jesse Chavez

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Is this what happened to the first shot of the 29 and 30 Revell Fords?
  2. Looks like the Ford again, unless they dug out the Pontiac or Caddy for it. But due to the lack of detail on that artwork blob of an engine, who knows!
  3. Oh, so will I and repack them in my original box! LOL! Just wish they would bring back the hemi into these kits!
  4. Or at least run them in gray or silver styrene like Revell did back then!
  5. Careful there, last time I raised concern about said artist, I was hen pecked within an inch of my life! 😆
  6. From what I have read and heard, the Canards where just an attempt at downforce and had mixed results. But after a few detached themselves from cars at speed, the NHRA nixed them for good.
  7. Don't forget that her car was Connie's first. So that could be a source of pics as well.
  8. I just recently asked my LHS why the price difference, the kit was the new Mustang with the 007 branding, between the Euro issue, at an eye watering $60 dollars, and the same kit in the U.S. box at $29 dollars. She claimed it was because the Euro version came with paint and glue! I laughed, she laughed, the owner frowned! Someone had just bought the ST Pizza Van in the Euro box for about $70!
  9. My LHS finally got some. It seems that some stuff is running late to the west coast, or at least my LHS! LOL!
  10. Eric Clapton built models during his "Rehab" period and apparently picked up the hobby.
  11. Check out Chimneyville decals. I think they reproduced a few of the early decal sets.
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