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About Clemi

  • Birthday 08/24/1995

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build
    1/24, 1/25

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Clemens Köller

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Clemi's Achievements

MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Thanks for your answers. I'm mostly interested in brush trucks, so it seems that I have to use diecast models. I will do a road trip down the west coast next year so hopefully I will find some hobby shops with a lot of modeling accessories.
  2. Hey guys, actually I'm interested in fire trucks which are based on pickup trucks. I'm from Germany but living in Canada until next summer. When I'm back in Germany I will build model cars again (I can't do it here) so I want to collect some kits, material etc. so that I can build these trucks when I'm back. I think of this kind of truck: So mostly there are used bigger trucks for these vehicles, like Chevy C3500, Ford F350 or Dodge RAM 3500. Are there some model kits of these trucks (I only know the new and a bit expensive Meng F350) or do I have to use die-cast models in 1/24 or 1/25? And do you know some good websites where I can buy light bars, fire decals and so on? I only know policecarmodels.com with good prices. Maybe you can give me some more tips Thanks and merry christmas to all of you!
  3. I have this one, but you can search in google for "muscle car kalender", maybe you find one in norway. This should be cheaper with shipping
  4. Last year, I was 17, I got the 1/16 MPC Street charger. It's a very good kit and I'm happy to build it soon.
  5. For christmas today I got some cool things. A back protector for skiing, a book for my working holiday in canada next year, a lens cleaning pen for my dslr, a muscle car calendar, a cool t-shirt and some sweets and money.
  6. Haha funny, the location is just a few miles from me away And very nice price. Thanks!
  7. So cool! That is really nice. Can you show some pics from the underside? I'm interested in how you made the axles.
  8. Got two lenses and two filters for my DSLR.
  9. Ken, how do you color your picture? With pencils, or water paint or something like that?
  10. Right, phone line cable is great. I have miles of cable at work, so it's very easy and cheap to get nice detailing wires
  11. Dominik, this is so nice!
  12. Man, I wish so much that I can get the Testors and Model Master paints and spray paints here in germany... I love the nice paint shades, as example the different engine colors. But every online shop where I find them cannot ship to germany.
  13. Thanks for the answers!
  14. Hi guys, I often read WIP in a lot of topics. But I'm not sure what this means because I'm not the best in the english language. I think it is "work in progress", this sounds logically for me. Anyone can explain it me?
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