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About TheGrandfatherHobbies

  • Birthday 03/01/1984

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Bill Lorenzo

TheGrandfatherHobbies's Achievements

MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Very nice!! Like the hemi and flocked trunk!!
  2. i know ppl build all over, but i wasnt aware that it was that big. very cool keep it goin in finland brohamn!
  3. ok can i just say this topic has gotten OUT OF CONTROL. the poor guy just wanted to know if he COULD use the paints. not if they were the best method. lets drop this and a moderator needs to delete this post, as far as im concerned your all a bunch of 12 yr olds fighting over whos the better painter. THERE MODELS PEOPLE HAVE FUN FOR GODS SAKES
  4. the bed is a decal that came with the kit. ty magnum very much
  5. i have just myself started airbrushing and bought the HF kit. it works quite well id say
  6. 40 ford painted with cheap acryl pearl white and flat red. and for the record i am aware i wasnt called out, just thought id share also my first time using them, ive always used spray cans when it came to bodiers....and i have to say im liking the cheap acryls alot. just gotta thin em good.
  7. ace......you couldnt have said it better.......i dont own a vid game console and my son wont be playing them here......mind numbing garbage. lol
  8. i stand by my acrylics and 1.39 as compared to almost 4.99.......not exactly pennies difference.
  9. Apponaug Hobby and AA Hobbies are my two spots, i know john at AA personally and its where we got the ho kit. and it does ben, he played with it all day and was so careful not to break it. its amazing when he knows what goes into building something hes so much more careful...
  10. no......so much money. but we were at the hobby store and he adores trains and it was like 6 bucks so i said why not. he loved building it
  11. theres maybe 8 pieces total but he is 5 years old....
  12. not my thing but they are very cool to look at!!! i would like to do a roth figurine someday.....big fan. met him when i was 11 he gave me a striping brush.......i keep it in a case
  13. it is.....not much but the one thing thats tricky is positioning the ladders right and he got it first try!!!!
  14. my 5 yr old boy building his first train......so proud right now!!!!
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