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About vintagerpm

  • Birthday 06/17/1956

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  • Scale I Build
    1/87 to 1/20

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  • Full Name
    Mike Stucker

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Not exactly cherry, but Splash Paints out of Oregon have Chevrolet "Black Rose".
  2. Blue car with wheelie bars, yellow car without.
  3. There are hundreds (if not thousands) on eBay.
  4. Go to the masthead (list of magazine editors, contributers, etc.) in the front of the magazine and look for "Sales & Marketing" under "Adverting Inquiries". The latest issue I have on hand is #222 from 2023. It lists Wes Hofferber (wes@modelcarsmag.com), but I do not know if he still holds that position.
  5. According to their SDS sheets (found online) they are the same.
  6. IPMS/USA's web site has a list of IPMS model shows around the country. It is continually updated, so if you don't see anything listed for later in the year, check back in a few weeks or months. https://ipmsusa.org/all-events
  7. Ultralumen. $60 for 4 OZ on Etsy.
  8. Two 1/43 cars from Replicarz. Had to have the Rexy 911. Aston Martin was on sale, so I could not refuse to order it. ?
  9. Latest info I can find is that it was raced in 2022. Flipped and survived! https://www.thedrive.com/news/1-8m-big-oly-ford-bronco-flips-in-off-road-race-keeps-going
  10. Parnelli Jones' "Big Oly" off-road Bronco.
  11. Tamiya, AK, Ammo, Velejo, & others all make an acrylic "tire black" or "rubber black". In addition, Tamiya has a lacquer spray can of it.
  12. This is a list of IPMS clubs in what is called Region II. Pennsylvania is in Region II. https://ipmsusa.org/region/region-2-mid-east This is a list of upcoming IPMS shows in Region II. https://ipmsusa.org/all-events/N/N/N/armorgators.org?title=&field_event_category_tid=All&state=All&region=2
  13. Bump. We are one week out.
  14. A little less expensive from the Hydroplane & raceboat Museum: https://www.hydromuseumstore.org/models/
  15. We are 5 weeks away from the Houston Automtive Modelers Society 2024 Space City Shootout Model Car Contest and Automotive Expo in Seabrook, Texas. Below are the show flyer (seperate front & back pages), contest category list, model entry form (3 per sheet), and contestant registration form. Each entrant needs to fill out one registration form and then fill out one entry form for each model entered. All are in JPG form as we are not allowed to upload PDFs here. Contact info for vending, trophy sponsorships, and general information can be found on the flyer. Hope to see some of you there.
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