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Everything posted by JM485

  1. I would recharge the AC in my Toyota pickup, but the tree huggers have outlawed the refrigerant I need in order to do it. Guess I'll just deal with it again this summer because I don't want to pay for the conversion kit that doesn't even work very well.
  2. There are some serious sickos in this world. The scary thing is it seems like we are hearing about these things almost once a month, and they are becoming WAY too common. It seems like the more it happens, the more other wackos decide they want to "go out with a bang". Disgusting.
  3. Wow, you did a heck of a job on that! I stick to the dirt but that thing looks like a blast to ride, congats!
  4. I don't even know what to say, unbelievable. . .
  5. Tried to upload a gopro video from riding yesterday onto youtube, and got the "error 500" message. I waited it out and then uploaded my video, only to find that it uploaded in 360p! I took it down and I guess I will try again tomorrow.
  6. Wait, we went from bad drivers to tacos? On a food related rant, a few weeks ago I raced a hare scramble at my favorite riding spot. I know the place like the back of my hand, so I did pretty well. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of eating Subway before the race, and got to spend the rest of the day looking into the toilet bowl after I finished. Nothing like the satisfaction of finishing an hour and thirty minute race, only to be hacking up your lunch an hour later. Eat fresh my a--.
  7. Because there are a million laws and regulations to save us from ourselves. If we could get rid of all the warning labels and safety signs that clutter everything and are practically stuck to your forehead, then the problem would likely sort itself out.
  8. Me and pretty much all of my friends have 5 speeds, just the way we all felt a car/truck should really be I guess. I honestly get borred out of my mind driving an automatic, and I think I probably fall victim to distracted driving much more whenever I am forced to drive one. With the stick, I'm much more in tune with my truck and it keeps me focused, not to mention you have a lot more control over the throttle. I think they should make everyone do their drivers test in a stick, that way we could weed out a large majority of the people who lack the corrdination to properly handle a vehicle. It won't ever happen, but I think it could solve a lot of problems.
  9. I'll be happy to field test that for them.
  10. Awesome job, you really hit the look dead on. I love the pro touring style builds, nothing like an old school car that can take it to any of the modern cars out there!
  11. This is all I have to say about that:
  12. I would guess some fans thought it would be funny to see Richard lose his mind when he saw what his 20,000 dollar mustang was going for. Hopefully there will be some reprocussions for fraudulent bidding like that, why someone would do that is beyond me.
  13. No typo Harry, this morning when I made the post the car was up at over 200,000 dollars. The bid history must have been deleted with the fraudulent bids.
  14. Still, 51k is still way to high for that car! I honestly like the show a lot, and I think the cars they really dive deep into turn out well. It's the ones like this mustang that they start up a few times, throw some paint on, and then sell that I would stay away from. Richard isn't stupid, he knows that those cars are what will make him the quick money and that people will keep buying them. There's a reason he has been so successful, he knows what will sell and builds his cars accordingly. Aron's race car seemed like it was pretty cool, as was the bandit Trans Am, I wouldn't mind owning either of those! Haha
  15. That people will pay that much for this car. Don't get me wrong, it looks nice and I love the show, but some people are beyond clueless. http://www.ebay.com/itm/291109842425
  16. Had a guy pass me right as two lanes merged into one today, then proceeded to watch him tailgate the poor truck in front of me with about five feet to spare for about ten miles. Not only that, but we were on a two lane country road that is known to be really dangerous, and he was swerving around like he was going to drive on the shoulder of the road and try to pass him! I almost turned my PA on and ripped him a new one but then I realized it would probably make him even more crazy, so I refrained. I do love having that speaker though, it comes in handy.
  17. I wouldn't worry too much about the IFS, it does a lot of things better than two straight axels can. Plus they have had since 86 to perfect it! To be fair, I do own an 86 pickup so I'm just a little bit bias.
  18. Wow, that is unique for sure. The skill in creating that. . . unbelievable.
  19. A MCM forum member. Winning!!!
  20. My favorite color is green so I have a few green models, but overall it is pretty well varies. The only colors I can think of that I don't have is pink, yellow or purple.
  21. Maybe this is a different situation, but I am pretty sure in California if you swap the motor in any car made after 1975, then DMV issues a new vin number after it passes inspection.
  22. I finally got around to reading the entire article and watching the video, and now I am even more annoyed. I can't believe nobody in Chrysler management sees how terrible of a decision this is. As for their excuse of saying it is not a viable learning tool anymore, I call major BS on that! What do they think a viable learning tool is, a new prius or some sort of car made of more plastic than metal? How the heck could you ever teach someone how to work on a car with anything rolling off the assembly line today, everything is too fragile and complex for a beginner to even comprehend starting with. Sorry, but I won't be buying anything from them any time soon. If our school shop had one of those, you could bet the farm that we would have put up one heck of a fight before we let them take that thing away. I'm still holding out hope that most of them get "stolen" or something before anything happens to them.
  23. Not to start world war III here, but I'm a little over Chrystler lately. It kills me to say that since my great grandfather was at one point the Northern California Chrysler Representative, but some of the things they have done lately really tick me off, and this is just another example. I honestly do not understand how they don't see the historical importance of these cars, do they know what most of us would give to be able to just see or even drive one of those!? I mean really, talk about short sighted thought! I understand that those cars could never be legally sold, our high school shop actually had a mercury with the same restrictions on it, but to just crush them is absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully a few of them "disappear" or are "stolen" before anything can happen to them. Sorry, got a little carried away, end of rant.
  24. I'm loving this thread! Almost fell off my chair with a few of them!
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