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About jetpilot888

  • Birthday 05/28/1993

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  • Scale I Build

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  • Full Name
    Todd Black

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MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Howdy! long time no post, but i have been working away with different things, so i thought id share my updated workshop. now has a new office and workshop area as well as a shopfront, reception area. as with all mine, the shop is used as a photographic backdrop, as well as an organiser, meaning what cars i have in the workshop are the only ones ill work on! otherwise its gets messy haha
  2. thanks for the comments guy! helps me keep motivated to build more! so yeah it does have a very small interior in it, it just has a steve kinser driver figure from the sprintcar kit, seat was from tamiya subaru wrc rally car and the dash i just folded up from some sheet aluminium that was black anodized, i cant, because of the design of this chassis do a whole lot with interior as a fair chunk of it is occupied by motor, but this next chassis im building should rectify some of this problem i hope so that i can add more detail, after all this was really a proof of concept more than anything! this is basically as they start out, 1.6mm 316 stainless welding rod, silver soldered into this. i built a small table so that i can clamp the chassis down so it doesn't warp or twist or come out of square as it being built and finally they end up here at the track, the car was originally coral green, i didn't like it on track so i decided to change it, at least it was only painted and didn't have any details or windows added haha the class that i run with this is called show and go which is similar to a street stock class, which i know the tube chassis wouldnt work in real life, but this was pretty much proof of concept in an entry level class!
  3. g'day, finished up this about a week ago, its a revell 55 bel air body, with a custom built tube frame chassis. i didnt like the bumbers so i just left them off, i think it looks much better without them. paint is tamiya metallic red and tamiya racing white, chrome parts and trims where painted with tamiya silver so the chrome didnt overpower the red on the car. probabl;y not the right place to post it, buts its actually a drag slot car so it does get used down at the track too. the biggest modification i made with this was probably with the grill, i sanded the back off it so its only the grill bars that remain, so you can see right through to the radiator. thanks for looking
  4. nice job! chassis accesories and cab looks very very similar to a volvo n-10 kit i built that had a metal chassis
  5. yeah its back to front, never liked that amt kit at all, its all just wrong, but yeah 85/86 should be pressure side running to the plenum on the intake side, and 62 would be air intake, but only shows it on the front turbo not the rear. i dont know why they have a plenum on top of the turbos either (84) they just have piping, so i moved that plenum and put it on the intake side on mine. either way i hated it so much i made it into this haha http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=69704&hl=%2Bfast+%2Band+%2Bfurious+%2Bsupra
  6. G'day, heres a build ive started recently, its eventually going to be a 55 chevy Pro Street. still waiting to get mount mounts and axles sorted so i can mock up axle and ride heights and then finish front structure and start on rear structure. its made from 1.6mm 316 stainless rod, 1.6mm being 1/24 scale 40mm od tube which is what most cages are here in aus. once the soldering is finished i can clean the chassis with an ultrasonic bath and remove all the excess flux and grime from the chassis
  7. G,day!, been almost a year since last time iv posted, been on hiatus for a while, but here's my new workshop. its basically a frame made from aluminium channel, and has coreflute walls wrapped in images that i have drawn in Photoshop. hope you guys like it!
  8. G'day, Well this is the beggining of whats going to be my most detailed and intricate build yet. well this started out as a revell good guys 55 Bel Air 2n1 kit i started to build about 4 houses ago so about 07 or 08. it sat around for a while until i decided what i really wanted to do with it. so now its going to be a salt flat racer! as youll be able to see from the pictures most of the chassis i have cut out so i can build the cage onto it and the tubs, rear fire wall etc. it'll have an tough aussie 9 inch diff in the rear( which is probably overkill considering the powerplant) with a 4 link rear end. Beam axle in the front. now my favorite part is the nosiy end, which will be a custom built twin turbo 26B quad rotor, caus' i love rotaries! oh im also converting it to RHD Thanks
  9. wicked! by far one of the best jdm models ive seen! awesome job
  10. Thanks guys for the comments! its really encouraging yeah those trans-am kits are a bear, just about all the remaining trans am kits i've got are warped except the camaro. Weird haha
  11. G'day, this is one ive had sitting around for a while, thought id do something about it. its the Revell 1/25 #25 Roush Racing Mustang, that ive built box stock. i havnt really put a whole lot of detail into it because the chassis is quite warped. The decals as well were very brittle and broke whenver they touched so getting them on and realining the decals was quite a mission. then afterwards ive misted on mid grey from a pressure pack to simulate dirt and grime and brake sut and all the dirt youd see on a car after a long race cheers
  12. Thanks mate! i got mine off ebay, heres a link to one http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Aoshima-1-24-80-Toyota-Hilux-Custom-Version-1-032008-UK-Stock-/221166278727?pt=UK_ToysGames_ModelKits_ModelKits_JN&hash=item337e899847&_uhb=1
  13. G'day, This is my latest build, Aoshima 1/24 custom Hilux ver1. Paint is Tamiya fluorescent Red. This was actually a very easy build, being a kerbside and having the suspension and drive train positionable they way they are, makes for a very simple build. Hope you like!
  14. G'day This is my first NASCAR build, and enjoyed it a lot. which is a good thing because i have two more to build! these things are so hard to get here in oz. Anyhow, this is a bog stock build, apart from a bit of weathering cheers
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