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511 nova

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    brian gentry

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    Brian Gentry

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  1. Following this one
  2. Looking great. can't wait to see it finished
  3. I love green on a Camaro
  4. Hey guys, hope everyone has had fun at the bench! Got a small update. I had a few slot cars to do for some guys so having the bodywork pretty much done I shot some gravity colors rally green. Then it happened!!!! I dropped it! I got it wet sanded out yesterday and reshot the color. I got a chance to spray some clear tonight and it turned out pretty decent. I know it's not a big update but hey 1 step closer. Thanks again everyone for the comments and please let me know if you see anything I can improve on.
  5. Gonna be sweet.
  6. Wow that engine is outstanding
  7. I can't wait to get it finished. Waiting on engine parts and other parts to arrive. Hopefully have some color on it soon. Thanks for the compliments
  8. Wow Bruce this build is absolutely fantastic! Excellent work buddy
  9. Thanks for the cool tips budda. What brand is the clear double sided tape?
  10. I agree as well. From what i've seen it takes at least a week for it to dry
  11. Hey guys made a little progress in the past few days. I added some embossing powder to the package tray and floor. I also foiled the trim on the door panels. I added an auto meter tach with a shift light because...well they're just cool! I guess you can tell I finally decided on the color. I still like the idea of silver and have also thought about solid orange(I may have to build 2 more one day). I hope you guys like it and thanks for all the previous comments.
  12. Absolutely stunning
  13. Yep
  14. Yes. It was a replica of the one I had
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