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About Joca

  • Birthday 01/29/1964

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24, 1/12

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    João Carlos Meytre

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Joca's Achievements

MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Thank you Dennis. I like the big'n'littles way a lot also. But for this model I will go for the same wheels all around as you mentioned. Appreciated your visit.
  2. X 2.
  3. Hi there. One more step on my gluebomb. Hope you enjoy this mock up. Thanks for your visit. See'ya.
  4. Another little gem Jeff; love these tires & wheels and color combo. Very nice...!!!
  5. X2
  6. Oh my...The Hatfields and McCoys are involved ? Now I need to clean up and reload my Colt and Winchester, saddle up "Smokey" and run away...
  7. Beautiful, nice color theme, fast and clean build. The rear shocks came in the kit?
  8. Thank you for the tip...need to go to the dentist now...lol... May I ask you wich is the purpose of the various coloured plastic circles onto the dentist tools? Like this build so far...!!!
  9. Joca


    Very cool build...!!!
  10. Hi Samuel. Nice working with this one. If you don't mind I would like to share with you what I just received in my email. I don't know the level of detail you plans to put in this model; anyway take a look in that announce, Regards...!!!
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