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Everything posted by olsbooks

  1. Final one before moving to diorama section. Buildings are 1/87 and boat is 1/160. Boat will be a bit smaller than the box art. Truck is forest and lime green. Want it to harden fully and so forth before shooting the stripes so it will be sitting while work on the boat begins. People will be varying scales and placed accordingly. Not satisfied with battery boxes. Attempts to make a latch where the tab is need improvement. Other than air cleaners and visor, I want to use as much of the kit supplied parts to keep costs down and see what I can do with out of the box parts. Headlamps and buckets are receiving as much attention as anything on this kit. Peace
  2. Just received a holt 75 tractor by roden. Opening the box to investigate have found it to be the cleanest and most flash free kit I've ever purchased. No, this is not a paid endorsement as I was unfamiliar with roden and nervous. Plans are to demilitarize it and hopefully build a diorama that includes a recently acquired stutz racer. Peace
  3. Attention to detail paid off. Nice. Love the old tachograph. Did you make it? Also, where do you get your filter decals and also the stuff you are famous for littering up the cab? Peace
  4. Conspiracy all long. I should have known. We do work nature will handle on its own and give others money as a result of our constant meddling and arrogance thinking we know better. Yup...I'll stick with playing in them. Peace.
  5. Something very magical about watching those huletts. Almost like a dance. A wonderful example of industrial grace and power on full diplay simultaneously. Hard to find and see this kind of thing anymore but the big shovels and drag lines in the powder river basin make a respectable attempt. Peace
  6. Loved playing in mountains of leaves as a kid. About time to do that again . Too many decades absent. The leaves are calling. To heck with what others say or think. Peace.
  7. Heart shaped waterbed.
  8. Outstanding. The little details paid off. The half bumper, wipers, and small roof lights make it very realistic..and ditto others praise on the weathering. Peace
  9. Screaming little rug rats going nuts while I'm trying to mind my own business at a store. The so called parent was as bad as the kid. Drama sucks.
  10. Agreed about killing the chrome. I had a similar deal on an mpc motorcycle kit where it needed to go together first. I picked up some junk called LA's totally awesome liquid cleaner at dollar general for a buck. Dunked the whole engine in and it came off clean in a few minutes, didn't affect the glue, leave a film, and no fumes. Bologna tires as we used to call them will really improve the looks of this beast. Look forward to watching it evolve. Peace.
  11. Didn't know about montgomery. She seemed quiet and classy to me from what I recall. While not a celebrity in the typical definition, some ww ii bomber nose art. Ooof. Peace
  12. Good one, kevin. Try this. Make some sort of 'anti' nag device. Hit the spare parts box and fix up and old radio or something in full rube Goldberg fashion. Patent it and you will make billions. Or for something cheaper and simpler, look at your irritant through the tines of a fork. Tell them you are pretending they are in jail. Peace.
  13. Detest walmart. Loathe amazon. I want mom and pop hobby shops back. So it cost a few bucks more. Friends were made, ideas shared, and discoveries made. It wasn't all about me, now, and cheapest. Dreaming and wishful thinking of a dinosaur I know but for now, still safe. Peace
  14. Thanks for the encouragement. The Lee kit is good in my opinion. Lots of cleanup but fits good. I have one posted in the all others section. Wire works good in place of thread. Second one hopefully will go even better. Peace.
  15. Building a diorama and will post there going forward. Vortex air cleaners, visor, some under hood plumbing,and of course whitewalls. Air cleaners made from windchime pipe still under construction. Ductwork is flexible drinking straw. Whitewalls are thin plastic. Suitable Preiser g scale, ho, and N scale figures found to force perspective in photos. Truck will look like one in biplane scene. Shrimp boat is another project. Slow build that will likely take up much of winter. Peace.
  16. Wow! And said with no remorse, fear, or dread! Not even concern about how much it will cost! Dad done good with her. Congrats!
  17. Well, since Christina was mentioned, how about Applegate from back in the days of married with children. Oof...
  18. Perfect. Thanks. Peace
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