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  1. Just had a great trade with Dave (GooBuildNY). Packed so no damage and shipped fast.
  2. Lee you did a wonderful job. Also did you scratch build the hog trailer. If so terrific work.
  3. I have paid up to $20.00 for a custom set that I wanted made but to me worth it. Of course when I do that I will get 3-4 done. For the cost and time a lot of these guys take I appreciate them so to me its worth it. On some colors you need to double up so buying an extra set also helps them out in my books. I have used from various makers and never had a problem. As for decals from printers, unless they do it themselves you can see the difference in crispness, and blocking i guess you would call it. And Dave I think we all know about a certain person who keeps changing his name.
  4. I have paid up to $20.00 for a custom set that I wanted made but to me worth it. Of course when I do that I will get 3-4 done. For the cost and time a lot of these guys take I appreciate them so to me its worth it.
  5. Awesome job on both. Gives new ideas for them. Plus partial to oldmobiles myself.
  6. wonder  what would you need for the 2009 charger.

  7. Still have a few of his. But there are quite a few I will need in future time.
  8. glad it went all smooth. now about that other imperial. lol. im hoping this weekend to start restoring the one i got from you.
  9. Just did a trade with bisc63 aka Mike Bratcher. Great communication and arrived quickly and packed terrific. Thanks a ton.
  10. Rex thanks for posting Freds lists. Now all I need to do is rob a bank. LOL.
  11. Sorry to hear about the breakage and the loss of seeing you at the meetings. Glad you may have a buyer for the house. I still havent unpacked since the move to this slumlord place. No room anyway to unpack, and sold most of the stuff of over the last few years. Hope everything goes smoothly the rest of the way for you.
  12. I love Freds decals and use them whenever possible. He is in my model group, but rarely comes. When I was driving a truck, I would stop at model empire back in the day and he always had a bunch of freds decals. In my opinion can never have to many of freds decals.
  13. Did a great trade with Tom aka Modlbldr.
  14. Welcome Spence and some great builds you have there.
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