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About Maliburacr

  • Birthday 12/23/1947

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  1. Thats Tony Packo's , been there a couple times , way to spicy for my tummy. If your comming to the NNL there's one not to far from the new location. Bud
  2. Thanks Chris , I'm not that much on F1 other than watching once and a wile. Wile I'm showing my stupidness , what is AMG ? Any idea on release dates ? Bud
  3. nice daily driver
  4. anyone else heard of a rumor fo a modern F1 car comming from Tamiya ?
  5. what rear tires did you use ?
  6. Next time you might want to try Tamiya paints , much more forgiving.
  7. you won't regret it , the MAS ones are very nice when finished. Bud
  8. Excelant job.
  9. and if he could buy Pontiac and put them back into racing ?
  10. Have fun Tom , looking forward to the pics Bud
  11. I'll be selling them for $175.00 plus $10.00 shipping in the U.S. If the 10 covers priority good, if not they will go reg mail. Bud
  12. I can see that floor pan being used to do some drag race versions on the other 2 RM Tri 5's.
  13. Al , in case you didn't know . no contest at the March show any longer. There is a contest at COBO and I think it's the same weekend.
  14. Every time I change something ( make it neat , clean ect ) , it takes me a year to get use to it.
  15. Guess I should delete that before it corupts the whole album.
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