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Everything posted by hobbybobby

  1. Thank you very much for the kind words!?
  2. I've never seen a Miata that was more shiny than yours, Jim!?
  3. X-34 Landspeeder Within the Star Wars universe, speeder is a generic term for any "repulsorcraft" or vehicle which uses anti-gravity repulsorlift technology to hover and fly above a planet's surface. Landspeeders more specifically use repulsor technology to hover just above the ground, while they cannot achieve any great height they are cheap and fast. In A New Hope, Luke Skywalker owned one of these nondescript but speedy landspeeders, racing the sand-pocked and sun-faded craft across the desert between the Lars homestead and outposts such as Tosche Station and Anchorhead. The X-34’s powerful repulsorlift engine that allows it to float about a meter above the ground, augmented by a trio of air-cooled thrust turbines. Luke’s speeder was old and battered, and missing the port turbine’s cowling, but tinkering and careful maintenance – essential in the harsh environment of Tatooine – kept it in good working order. After the death of his aunt and uncle, Luke sold his speeder in Mos Eisley to help pay for passage to Alderaan. This kit was released in 2010, about 40 parts, include the C-3PO and Luke figures, they are recognisable but do look a bit too toy-like for me... In the kit there was a black stand that didn't fit for me, so I made a small diorama out of PVC, with a hint of a sandy surface... Only blackwashed, here and there more color and a lot of cabling on the turbine... Star Wars- X-34 Landspeeder
  4. Yes, the old BMW- kidneys were a bit smaller: Here, how much smaller: Well, I think it depends on the model and its size, otherwise it would look strange... And the WEB is full of more or less funny pictures of what the future of BMWs could look like: The BMW designers just have to be careful that it doesn't remind the front viewer of this: The real question is, which grill would decorate the four-series BMW better, above now, below a possible variant... Well... It's all a question of your own taste...
  5. Li`l Red Baron- plastic model kit 1/32, Design by Tom Daniel 1972 Well, Tom Daniel done the original 1/24 scale Red Baron... … which sold better than hot cakes… ... and they done then the "big" Baron version, which was cool... … and someone said "Hey, we're doin' the Snap Tites,... lets do a Li'l Red Baron Snap Tite"... … and it was done. And it was long time a very rare kit... … with manageable 28 parts... This is the reissue from Atlantis, still on a scale, that is rather unusual and small for me... I posed it for action on an bigger homemade Iron Cross base from PVC and made it doing a truly wild Wheelie, have done small changes here and there and gave a few pops of Color...
  6. Thank you very much for the kind words! 8-) As I said, I wanted a different position of the fighter and a simple, but "better" display base. These are circuit boards, I butchered from old electrical devices... I created this with a few additional things from the spare parts box and a little Color...
  7. Great build, very clean and superb details!?
  8. Propelled by Twin Ion Engines, TIE fighters are fast, agile, yet fragile, fictional starfighters produced by Sienar Fleet Systems for the Galactic Empire, existing in the Star Wars universe. Industrial Light & Magic's (ILM) Colin Cantwell created the concept model that established the TIE fighter's ball-cockpit and hexagonal panels design for Star Wars (1977). Star Wars creator George Lucas liked the basic design consisting of two panels connected by a stick with a ball-shaped cockpit, but Joe Johnston created additional details, such as the cockpit window and the attachment points between the solar panels and the hull. Initially given a blue color scheme, the TIE fighter models for the first film were grey to better film against a bluescreen; TIE fighters in The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983) shifted back to being a muted blue. Sound designer Ben Burtt created the distinctive TIE fighter sound effect by combining an elephant call with a car driving on wet pavement, in the book The Sounds of Star Wars, the engine roar is likened to German Junker Ju 87 "Stuka" bombers, who used sirens to frighten civilians on raids, this could have been a possible inspiration for the sound. Combat scenes between TIE fighters and the Millennium Falcon and Rebel Alliance X-wing fighters in Star Wars were meant to be reminiscent of World War II dogfight footage; editors used World War II air combat clips as placeholders while Industrial Light & Magic completed the movie's special effects. Darth Vader's distinct TIE Advanced x1 in Star Wars was designed to make it instantly recognizable and the TIE Interceptors developed for Jedi were designed to look fast, deadly, sleek and frightening. This Revell SnapTite- kit (about 30 parts) has been out for a while, but has recently been re-released and I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the ease of construction and the good overall quality of this kit, only with the scale you are not so sure with this kit, from 1:35 to 1:48 everything is possible, I think with 1:40 you get there... ;) If you have a youngster: This is a great kit for them to build. For the Modeler: Some attention to removing sprues and some minor flash are about all the added work needed to make this a kit that a youngster can be proud of. The addition of some blackwash for bringing out the detail and adding a little “battle-tested” appearance just helped to bolster the aura of this model. There’s a couple spots that don’t snap together just right, so keep a little glue handy straighten that out along the way. For the Star Wars fans: This would be a nice addition to your collection. I want to show this following step because you can't see all the details later… First i assembled the command module including the forward bulkhead and seated pilot’s assembly as well as the outer walls and the rear bulkhead, it has a slot and tab to help with alignment and the two side walls are identical so they can go on either side with the posts and holes for their positions. The pilot module is now in place: And that's how the whole TIE Fighter looks: Now I'm building a base, I found the supplied version in the kit a little too banal, let yourself be surprised... ;)
  9. Revell Germany has produced some nice Star Wars Episode 3 models but unfortunately (or fortunately) five of the six are pre-painted snap together kits. The biggest drawback of the pre-paintedness of the kit is the Anakin figure. Otherwise an okay, if very, very soft, vinyl figure, the pre-painting is horrible, the face has that horrible, pop-eyed look... The instructions are an 8 page booklet with a cover page, notes page, parts breakdown page and then 5 pages of 17 assembly steps, the drawings are clear and parts are well called out. The kit also features several operating parts - the S-Foils and the canopy. I know these can be frowned upon as toy-like but I like the fact that the model can be posed. One need not play with their models… much, but it’s nice to change the display from time to time as it sits on your shelf. On a final note, one serious drawback with the kit (but of course minor on the great scheme of modeling) is a lack of both landing gear and a display stand. So I built the kit (with glue ) and made some blackwash to highlight Detail and carved a simple base from a PVC plate and added a thick inox wire, now I can move the fighter into almost any position. Hope you like it...
  10. WOW! I can not believe it! This thing is my holy grail! The Roach Coach, designed by the master Ed "Newt" Newton, ca. 1972, built by himself (he was actually half-owner of this beast), Dan Woods and Jake Jacobs.(according to my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong...) "A surrealistic cockroach on wheels" or "A kinetic sculpture" is how Newt describes it. You've done a fantastic job, Rick, hat off, my friend, you have far exceeded my expectations, absolutely wonderful!
  11. Thank you very much for the kind words!
  12. Thank you very much for the kind words!
  13. Rat Fink is one of the several hot rod characters created by artist Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, one of the originators of Kustom Kulture of automobile enthusiasts. Roth conceived Rat Fink as an anti-hero answer to Mickey Mouse... Rat Fink is usually portrayed as either green or gray; comically grotesque and depraved-looking with bulging, bloodshot eyes, an oversized mouth with sharp, narrow teeth, and wearing red overalls with the initials "R.F." on them. He is often seen driving cars or motorcycles. Roth began airbrushing and selling "weirdo" T-shirts at car shows and in the pages of hot rod publications such as Car Craft in the late 1950s, by the August 1959 issue of Car Craft, "weirdo shirts" had become a full-blown craze with Ed Roth at the forefront of the movement. Rat Fink was advertised for the first time in the July 1963 issue of Car Craft, the ad called it "The rage in California". Also in 1963, the Revell Model Company issued a plastic model kit of the character, the initial run of the kit was from 1963 to 1965, but the Rat Fink kit, along with Roth’s other creations, have been re-issued by Revell over the years. Rat Fink continues to be a popular item to this day in hot rod and Kustom Kulture circles in the form of T-shirts, key chains, wallets, toys, decals, etc. Other artists associated with Roth also drew the character, including Rat Fink Comix artist R.K. Sloane and Steve Fiorilla, who illustrated Roth's catalogs. Rat Fink and Roth are featured in Ron Mann's documentary film Tales of the Rat Fink (2006) and Jeannette Catsoulis reviewed in The New York Times: Ogling fins and drooling over fenders, the movie traces the colorful history of the hot rod from speed machine to babe magnet and, finally, museum piece and collector’s item. Along the way we learn of Mr. Roth’s lucrative idea to paint hideous monsters — including the Rat Fink of the title — on children’s T-shirts. A Rat Fink revival in the late 1980s and the 1990s centered on the grunge/punk rock movements, both in the U.S. West Coast and in Australia (Roth drew Rat Fink artwork for the album Junk Yard by the Australian band The Birthday Party), the band White Zombie had a song titled "Ratfinks, Suicide Tanks, and Cannibal Girls" and the Punk band The Misfits had a song titled "Ratt Fink". Anyway, this modelkit is the Revell reissue from 1990 and I think, I have it since then… … Now finished and painted, here and there with small adjustments to my taste, hope you like it:
  14. I imagined that before a lot easier... It took a long time to put that interior in the bodywork, but now it fits: There was still this thing with wheels... I have the rims, provided for this purpose, already used for another build, now I found the right ones. But to be able to use it, first I had to extend the wheel arches and openings, not ready yet patched, but here's a look: Hope, you like it.
  15. So, the new interior, goes, somehow in this direction: Hope, you like it.
  16. Thank you very much for the kind words! More Progress: This is the original `75er Corvette interior, i made it, in the opinion, it fits in the new body... The dashboard and the side panels do this very well... ...but the rear part did not fit, this can be seen in the right center of the picture, the upper edge of the body is about 10mm higher than the interior... The second consideration was, now it's quite an "van", so more seats can be placed... Stay tuned!
  17. The paintwork is finished, clear coated and polished. Now you can see the different color effects, depending on the light direction... Hope, you like it.
  18. More progress: Everything went well, the colors seem to tolerate each other. It looks so after removing the masquerade: Hope, you like it so far.
  19. More progress. The masquerade is ready, finally. The Pic`s: I hope now, that nothing will go wrong...
  20. Thanks for the nice words, I appreciate this very much! More progress on this one, the silver was just the primer, that's the color now, not yet clear lacquered and not polished, I experimented a bit again and thought first, this color would never dry...
  21. Thank you very much, Greg!
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