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Everything posted by oldcars

  1. There are two hobbytown stores on acadamy. Call the one at the Citadel Crossing. I think they can help you. Richard(0ldcars)
  2. Nothing in Colorado Springs yet.
  3. Don't mean to bother you but would you be willing to sell me the that 413 crossram out of the Chrysler 300 you just got?? Richard

  4. Got it today?(Colorado Springs). What a pleasant surprise. Didn't know it was coming( don't go on computer but every few days).
  5. The best spraypaint in the world was amt. All of my models were painted with amt spray. Nobody to this day makes colors that went on like they did (especially the candies). You would think that fifty years later someone would make paint as good as amt was, but no. Richard
  6. Hi Robert, My name is Richard Stamey (oldcars). Have been looking for one of the bubbletop packs for way to long. You said some them might be fodder. Would you be willing to sell one pack? I turn 73 this weekend and you may the only chance I have to get the bubbletops. Holding my breath.....:huh:

  7. GEEBEE....Where did you get that cool chair at? Sitting in mine and looking at tours make my back ache.Richard
  8. If that was in my basement my wife would have bring all my meals down to me. Richard
  9. I just dealt with the iceman. The service (and price) were fantastic. I would buy from him anytime.
  10. I have them both and the AMT kit is still my favorite. But then again I have been the number one fan of AMT since 1958. Richard
  11. Received my copy today (#203). Thank you Gregg. You rock. Richard
  12. I have always wanted to build it with the top too, but never have. Will be watching you alsoRichard.
  13. I don't know you would be unhappy. It looks pretty darn good to me.Richard
  14. I have had that kit for years and never opened it up due to almost everyone saying it was pretty much a waste of plastic. After checking your good looking job out I'm thinking I should open it up and plan on a build. You did a great job.Richard
  15. Hit the big 70 last November. Figure I still have a good 30 years left to build models (at least).Richard
  16. Been trying for over a week to PM Gregg. They(my PM's) don't go any further than my message box. Don't know what I'm doing wrong(not good on the computer). All I want is tell him that My magazine(#200) never arrived, and beginning to get worried. Getting very frustrated. Richard
  17. I subscribe and would love to send a compliment if my magazine #200 would only show up so I could see for myself this new protector. I have every issue since it started in 1999 so I must truly enjoy it. Richard
  18. Next best thing to being there. Thanks for the pics.
  19. This is now the 2nd half of March. Hope you are still working on #4 and did not ship it out yet. If you did I don't know which part of the world mine might have gotten to. Can you tell I'm kind of hooked on the mag.? You are still working on #4..? Richard
  20. My issue takes awhile to get here sometimes, so I can't comment yet. I do live a very LONG 50 miles from Denver.
  21. Was in hobby lobby yesterday while my wife was picking up a few things, and went over to the model section. Got a real surprise. A young fellow was just putting out one(yes one ) kit of the Jim Cushman Duster. Some how the wind blew just then and it flew from his hand to mine. It was fate. With the 40% off it followed me home. Had the original many years ago. Am I a very happy camper? Heck Yes!!!!! My wife heard me giggle from five rows over. Richard
  22. Daddyfink. Who makes the chaparral 2c? Richard
  23. They have a flame mask kit at hobby lobby.
  24. One day my wife and I were talking about putting an LP on the juke box(record player). Our granddaughter had no idea what were talking about. Then I made the mistake of talking about 45's. Finally told her it was like a CD with a very big hole in it. Had to pick my wife up off the floor from laughter. Was afraid to talk about eight tracks.
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