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Everything posted by Modelmikey

  1. Thanks, works good to show off the dirty side.
  2. Thanks for the comments, chassis detailing is my favorite part of building!
  3. I started this one a few years ago, and was boxed a few times due to paint mishasps. This is actually the 2nd body as the first one i could not strip the duplicolor automotive paint. This body was painted twice, first go aound the paint was old and just didnt go on good, sanded, and shot again. The paint job on it actually went "spiderweb" and I again thought it was ruined, but I wetsanded it to what you see. No clear, just out of the can Duplicolor. I went with the kits Type R wheels, with the outside turned down to fit Xs tuning tires. Engine detailed, and exhaust is all aluminum, i even machined the muffler. see inprogress from a few years ago
  4. I started this one a few years ago, and was boxed a few times due to paint mishasps. This is actually the 2nd body as the first one i could not strip the duplicolor automotive paint. This body was painted twice, first go aound the paint was old and just didnt go on good, sanded, and shot again. The paint job on it actually went "spiderweb" and I again thought it was ruined, but I wetsanded it to what you see. No clear, just out of the can Duplicolor. I went with the kits Type R wheels, with the outside turned down to fit Xs tuning tires. Engine detailed, and exhaust is all aluminum, i even machined the muffler. see inprogress from a few years ago
  5. I dig it. Never knew this was a kit! I love the odd stuff.
  6. Nice clean build. Seems like every other civic of that generation was that color.
  7. I know out in internet land an article from the mid 90's from scaleauto is kicking around about making a double drop lowbed from the AMT flatbed. Anyone know where I could find it? I remember it said to use the rims and tires from the revell dually Ford kit. Anyway I picked up these 1/32 scale Fujimi 22.5 tires off of evil bay cheap, and I think will look much better. Here is a picture of them beside the revell. They scale out better too, close to 18".
  8. Has anyone used Aoshima or Fujimi 1/32 rims/tires on a 1/25 truck? The 22.5 would scale close enough to 19.5 to be convincing as a light truck or lowbed wheel and tire combo. I have seen then on eBay. I have both brands wheel and tires for cars, looking for options for trucks, which is better etc.
  9. Cool build, which kit is this?
  10. Cool build, not common by any means!
  11. Cool build I dig the color!
  12. Cool build, interesting choice for engine.
  13. Cool little build.
  14. Cool! A friend of mine has a 2dr he swaped a JDM WRX motor into, goes like stink!
  15. Cool start, love the odd ball kits! Sleeper car in real life for sure! Check out the '88 Daytona I did http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=82819&hl=%2Bturbo+%2Bdaytona
  16. Nice build of a well worn work truck1
  17. I have seen N.C on decal sheets, forget which kit. One tip I can share, I find the 1/25 decal stickers look waaay to big, I used the peel n' stick ones from a 1/32 Pete COE and they look much closer to 1:1 size on a 1/25
  18. Awesome build!
  19. Nice clean build. One thing I like about most of the Japanese kit manufactures is how much better the tires look, those rims/tires help add to the mean stance.
  20. Nice build, shame Honda never sold a Type R civic on the North American side of pond.
  21. Nice!
  22. Odd ball and not so common kit, I dig it. That paint looks really good too.
  23. Not tooting my own horn, but here is a nice clear shot someone else took of it at a contest. No, it didn't win
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