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Model Brain

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Everything posted by Model Brain

  1. Welcome Mitch. Jon from Kent here!
  2. Yes sir, thanks! I am wondering about thoughts buggy wheels. And I hope when it all comes together you see an improvement on the fit and finish. Theses photos i have up are not showing tubed rear tire wells yet, so when that does get done like I said I hope it looks much better. It will have a lower stance and rear tires a bit higher in the wheel well.
  3. Well Well turns out I have a box and name for this kit... crazy what happens when you orgonize your stuff! So hello Mr. SandMan. On the buggy... I did start the V8 motor conversation from the bitty flat 4 VW air cooled.
  4. Since we last update I've cut out the handle in the dash for an extra TV, working on shaving the door handles. I've tubbed the rear tire wells. I've done my best alien looking motor. Paint is going on and fix's are made!
  5. right now 'm trying to find the best frame work to basically splice on, and not re-create a one off frame, ( not to brave and bold of a builder yet) and try to keep that possibility it could be done in real life. Hope you like this project, I think it's turning out quite sexy!
  6. I appreciate ti! Wheels I decided to go with are the chrome (Less work) things might change. I painted the accent blue into the wheels so I hope thats the ticket.
  7. Just started this one. I fell like messing with different plastic right now, I plan to use some Caddy avalanchy interior and stereo equipment. Hoping all goes well to plan...
  8. Cool Starliner cop car!
  9. Yes John, I see them on ebay, last one was $55.00 sealed. no truck comes with the kit so you ad your own anyway. I am stuck on the interior + busy life+ sickness means I'm not building to much at the moment. Good luck with your search, Or I just might sell you mine, I'm kinda tired of looking at it, it's been 2 years.
  10. Thank you. Yeah It did look like clearance was going to be an issue, I thought thats why you have the option... But i do think now it would fit. And will you see it? well you did lol. Good eye Christopher! I'm still working out the trailer hitch, BMF, and finish assembly. ready just in time for summer!
  11. Looking good still a "mock up" Having to much fun with this one! i highly recommend this kit!
  12. Thanks Rick, Great tip's, And I am now excited to try. This helps so much.
  13. Cool David. I dig the trailer it came with! The foil is a good idea, some of us struggle with paint job's... eh-hem, me... So I might try this in the future.
  14. Thanks Jt and Rick, I will finish it before I start a new project. and thanks for the duck tape trick. I've never painted wash wood grain, a bit intimidated by it.
  15. Don't do this... I tried the wood decal, it did not stick to the contours at all, and it tore and peeled, glue was acid. So now i have to remove it all, and do the wash paint and it will look like everyone else's. this i think is why we through projects back in their box's. it's experimenting, but I hate going backwards.
  16. Very cool A100. I'll be watching! Even though the interior is looking like the insides of a M.R.U. lol just kidding.
  17. Congrads on the job Bud! You riding that Bike to work?
  18. Great job Curtis. My buddy is building a V8 conversion Miata, Your's is an inspiration! keep it up!
  19. HA I get it now, I did find Mr. Ira's post with his Moonscope project. His is sweet. ( Ira's photo)
  20. I know your a busy young man Jamie... but any updates?
  21. I just cut some fabric scraps and glued them on using Plastruct plastic weld, good straight scissors, and a toothpick to push in the material. I think it was worth the hours.
  22. Painting a bit. covered the seats, and some work with the spare tire and frame going underneath. I am loving my new air brush set. I went with the cheap Harbor Freight Tools Central Pneumatic Air brush kit ( with the 2 year warranty) Filter exhaust booth from Ebay. And I'm set.
  23. Not sure I do have an Ira in the family but you never know!
  24. Very cool builds, I dig the wheels! And K.I.T.T!
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