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About 408calirides

  • Birthday 06/29/1980

Previous Fields

  • Scale I Build
    1/24 1/25

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Ismael Villarrael

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408calirides's Achievements

MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. So I'm in the middle of trying to start a little small hobby shop business, i'm looking into selling some of the accessories like detail master and model car garage and so on. I'd also like to sell revell and AMT kits but I hear right now revell has a minimum order of $5000 ? Does anyone know if this is correct also if anyone can help me or guide me to somewhere I can purchase model kits in bulk cases that would be appreciative too. Please any info would be a big help in the model kits, thanks
  2. YUP can't wait. Wanted to let folks know that i will be selling there this year. Everything on my table will be sold to help my buddy Beto Ordonez, he is battling cancer and as of right now docs say he wont make it do to the cancer spreading so fast. I will have a sign on my table with his picture so you know who i am. Again please stop by and check out some stuff, all the proceeds will go to him and his family.
  3. Thank you all for your help on this, my buddy thought it was a promo when he gave it to me, but i was kind of skeptic about it lol. good to know now.
  4. so looks like PAK RAT is right, i found a you tube with a modeler building one and it looks just like it. Darn too bad it wasn't a promo, it was nice and clean lol
  5. So i got some stuff from a good buddy of mine and he passed me on this what looks like a PROMO kit but i'm not too sure cause i've searched on ebay and can't seem to find one close enough promo wise to it. Can anyone help me out here and let me know what this actually is? It's a really nice clean car, well kept.
  6. Ok, i got a model they took a picture of for the mag and was hoping to pick one up.
  7. Anyone know when the issue of the modelcarmag will come out with the coverage for NNL WEST 2016 in Santa Clara come out?
  8. looks good, nice work, love them 50's!
  9. as a big 47-53 chevy p/u fan, i'm lovin them both, nice job
  10. great work, nice detail
  11. Diggin that hauler, might have to build one
  12. Well here's the best i can do, lol it's a lil fuzzy but you can hear the siren, this was before it was fully complete as i had to test the sound.
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