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About 12V71

  • Birthday 06/25/1971

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  • Full Name
    Joe R

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MCM Regular

MCM Regular (3/6)

  1. Thanks, Jeff. It was great seeing you and everyone else at the show. I'm already looking forward to next year. As well as the Spring Thaw. So many ideas and projects and so little time. I hope to have it finished for next year.
  2. You're welcome, Claude.
  3. Hello everyone, For the fellow forum members that don't frequent YouTube here is a video I put together from the Fulton Show. Thanks, Joe
  4. Hello everyone, Pictures of the flyer below. Thanks, Joe
  5. Here you go. More info can be found at www.nnleast.com
  6. Thanks guys. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the video.
  7. Hello everyone, Here is a video I put together from the 5th Annual Halloween Bash. The contest was held Saturday, October 21 at The America On Wheels Museum in Allentown, PA. I though I would post this here for all the forum members to see that don't frequent YouTube. Thanks, Joe
  8. Thanks everyone. Happy to hear that you enjoyed the vid.
  9. Hello everyone, Here's a video I put together from The Super September Showdown XXIII. I thought I'd post it here for the fellow forum members to watch that don't frequent YouTube. I hope you enjoy the coverage. Thanks, Joe
  10. Hello everyone, I picked up a flyer for this years show at The Super September Showdown today. Thanks, Joe
  11. Very nice, Jeff. I looks great and I'll be watching for sure. Think you'll have it ready for Fulton this year? I wish I could take credit for making the decals, but they were made by Diecast and Decals. Here's a link to their website if any one is curious. http://www.diecastanddecals.com/ Thanks, Joe
  12. Thanks, everyone. It's nice to hear that you all enjoyed the video. Joe
  13. Hello everyone, Here is a video I just uploaded to YouTube from this show. Thanks, Joe.
  14. Hey everyone, Got and email from Dan late yesterday. Fulton is on!!!! Sunday, December 4, 2022. Please help spread the word. Wouldn't want to see anyone miss this show. Happy Thanksgiving and hope to see you at the show. Thanks, Joe
  15. Hello everyone, I just got an email from Dan saying the show for tomorrow is cancelled due to the weather. Thanks, Joe
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