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Everything posted by Snake45

  1. Do you have the expression "Too soon" in Canada?
  2. Looks like they fixed the shape of the rear fender tips. The headlights look better than the last three or four reissues, but they're still not right. I guess this is as close as we're gonna get. Put me down for one.
  3. Don't you mean cap-SIZE?
  4. Mike, what ALBUMS are those two great photos from?
  5. Those are pretty cool ideas! Another way to go: The Bendix cross-country air race started in 1931, which is in the Trimotor's timeline. Do some research and some imagineering, find a viable sponsor (or make one up), and create an attractive paint scheme that YOU think would look good on the thing. As I've said before, have FUN with it! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bendix_Trophy
  6. Not that I know of, but with a kit like this, the idea is to have FUN with it (IMHO, of course). Why not build it as a "phantom" racer? Or simply design a paint job that YOU think would look good on the thing, and have at it. I KNOW you have the skillz to pull it off. FWIW, I bought the B-25 and B-26 reissues from the same series. I'm going to put ZERO time and worry into the interiors (that's what flat black paint is for) and just have FUN with the old backbirths.
  7. It sure is. Even better than I'd imagined. It's now in a tie for My #1 Favorite Diecast with that Jada '67 El Camino.
  8. Yah, I believe that one goes back to the '50s and is what they call "box scale"--it was designed so all the sprues fit in a certain size standard box. (I see now it's 1/77--about right for "box scale.") Just have FUN with it.
  9. You get me. You really, really get me.
  10. When I worked at Citi, someone once described the place as "exactly like high school but with W-2s."
  11. Wow, that's almost twice what I paid for my last batch, and they're "not available for pickup" at my local joint. But thanks for trying.
  12. My digicam uses AA batteries, and I always buy the rechargeable ones--they cost more but they last a pretty long time and are a good value. I'm about to need some again but I haven't seen them at Walmart for months, maybe even a year now, any brand. What's the deal? Have they stopped making them or what?
  13. Saw ads for that on Hulu--looks good and I hope to see it. Looks like it might be a feel-good movie, and Lord Knows we could all use one of those about now. Thanks for the review!
  14. "Vee-Dub" I have no problem with. You'd think everyone would say it that way, but nooooooooooo....Whenever I hear someone say "VW," I mentally knock about 20 IQ points off their score.
  15. I get a hoot out of people who say V-W. "Volkswagen" is three syllables. Saying "V-W" takes FOUR.
  16. Wow! I've never been that impressed with this kit and opened this not expecting much, but I gotta admit, I think this has to be the finest build of it I've ever seen. You're making me want to build one, and that's about as high a praise as I can offer. VERY well done and model on! ?
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