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Michael F

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Everything posted by Michael F

  1. very cool😎😎 Love the paint and the wheels !!
  2. Very nice towtrucks 😃 The last one is the best !!
  3. Be patient, i bet you´ll be satisfied. It took it´s time, but i was 😃
  4. I´ll second this. Ron offers great stuff and his service is outstanding too !!
  5. Very cool truck !! I love stake trucks 🙂
  6. Great to deal with. Even for us here in Germany 👍 He took over the products of scenes unlimited, i bought some nice truck wheels from both.
  7. Alan, thank you so much for hearing me and posting these great pics !!! How many people took part on this dio? I like dioramas very much, especially on racing, this one os outstanding, even the watertruck is there. Again, big thanks to you for posting it 👍👍👍
  8. Very cool model !! You put a lot of nice ideas in this one👍 And perfect photos as well.
  9. Very nice, i like stuff like this !!
  10. Impressive collection ! The speedboat is great 🤩
  11. Very nice !! Like the tractor diorama.
  12. Thanks for your great comments guys! You think right, Jack. Unfortunately, Gwyn Staley died in a crash in the convertible division 1958.
  13. The last one for 2024:
  14. This a fantastic diorama !! Thank you for posting. I´d like to see more of the dirttrack area, if possible?
  15. Both are great trucks !!! But the Ford blows me away 👍👍
  16. Hi Noel, i print some decals for my models on my inkjet printer. For example for my Gulf Mustang. I needed some white background for the #´s and Gulf decals, so i printed them on white decalpaper and two of each on clear decalpaper. Printersettings: papertype - other inkjetpapers glossy, printquality - optimal. Let them dry for at least 4 hours and sealed them with a varnish for oil- or acryl paintings. A acrylic clear coat spray will work as well. After overnight drying i cutted the decals on the white paper thru the outer black and blue circles. I think it´s nearly impossible to cut around the circles without leaving some white edges visible. To get a sharped edge of the outer circles of decals i put a final layer with on clear printed decals. On the Mustang roof i needed three layers of white decals to cover up the black dividing line between the blue and orange paint. I put always a coat of clear on my finished models. That´s the way i do decalwork, maybe this is helpful for you?
  17. Both are beautiful !! The Winston car is my favorite. Very nice??
  18. Michael F

    The Yard

    Everything has been told, from me just one word: PERFECT !!! (btw, however it found the way on it´s location , i recognised a Bundeswehr (german army) license plate on the trailer?)
  19. Very nice Cobra. Great paintjob ! Sehr schön ? ?
  20. This is one beautiful truck !! Very well done !!
  21. Charles, Your model looks cool, especially the modified Nascar chassis. The Bobby Hillin decals are a good choice.? Looking forward for the finished one. I did this model from the very same amt kit: I used the kit chassis with some modifications. Here is the whole thread: https://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/188324-´66-buick-skylark-modified-stocker/ I consider the wheels to big as well, but look at the supercool photo of the modified posted by Johnny Canuck. It carries the big (kit) wheels actually?
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