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Everything posted by taaron76

  1. Amazing work as usual, Joe. Great job! Tim
  2. Thanks! I took the spoiler from a '69 Camaro kit I had. Tim
  3. It's been a while since I did anything with the '68 Firebird, but the outside of this one is just about complete. I was able to finish up the headlights and get the glass glued into place today, so I figured I'd take a couple of pics.
  4. Thanks Dan, and everyone else for the comments. I'd love to drive it home as well! The 1:1 is a great car and I am always telling him to sell it to me, but he won't budge. Can a classic Mustang owner own a Camaro as well? lol Thanks! Tim
  5. I didn't like the way the decals looked, so I painted those stripes on. It was too much of a hassle to attempt to paint that tiny stripe on the outside, so I just left it as is. The carb is a Weber/Edelbrock 1406-ish from Fireball Modelworks. Tim
  6. Thanks for the complements everyone, I really appreciate them. Motivates me to finish another one. Tim
  7. Thank you! I painted the white part flat white and then used a houndstooth decal to get the pattern. I painted over the decal with a flat clear as well. Tim
  8. The first two pics at the 1:1 that belongs to a friend of mine. I modeled it as closely as I could, but not exactly like it. If it was for me, I would have done a lot of things different, but I like the way it turned out. Gravity Colors mixed me a custom GM LeMans Metallic Blue, so it was 1:1 match of the GM factory color. To see the full build album, here is the link: http://public.fotki.com/taaron76/1969-camaro-ss-z28/ I took a lot of pics and didn't want to post all of them in here, but here are a few.
  9. Finished this one up this morning. Posting in "Under Glass". Tim
  10. Almost there... Getting closer to finishing this one up. Just a radiator hose and battery to add to the engine bay and this one will be complete. I'll post more pics this weekend after everything is buttoned up. Tim
  11. Eric, I will have our give that a shot! Thanks for that info!!! Tim
  12. Thanks, guys! Joe - I used super glue on the end of a needle to get it to adhere to the body. I tried a couple of other glues, but couldn't get them to stick. I settled on the super glue, followed up with some acrylic gloss over the top of the them once the glue dried. I also use acrylic gloss to glue the lights in place as well. Tim
  13. It's been a while since I have posted any progress pics on the '69 Camaro build of a friends car, but I finally took some pics tonight to post and share. I am currently re-chroming the bumpers tonight and then I can start buttoning it up. Interior is complete and the exterior is just waiting on the bumpers. Tim
  14. Thanks Joe! BMF later today... Finished up the brake lines, fuel lines and emergency brake cables on the '69 Camaro. Since this is stock build, there wasn't too much to do. There are brake lines on top of the axle like the 1:1, but you can't see them. Part of the problem of doing all the detailing, but not being able to see them... but you know you have to do it.
  15. Made some progress on the '69 Camaro Z/28 350. It's not an exact representation as my friends car, but close. Tim
  16. Thanks, fellas! Took me a few coats to get it to match, but it come out pretty even. Step 1, spray two coats disassembled. Step 2, spray 1 coat assembled. Cake! Here is the 400 primed and ready for the Firebird. Tim
  17. Thanks, Mike! The clear really brought the color out and the LeMans blue is a perfect match to the 1:1 I am building it after. Tim
  18. I shot the clear this afternoon, which really makes the color come to life. I put plenty of clear on in order to cover the edges of the stripes, but left plenty of room to wet sand buff if need be. That clear will even out nicely after an hour or so. Tim
  19. I finally got around to spraying the base coat and clear coat on the '68 Firebird. The color is Gravity Colors BWM Crystal White Pearl, mixed with Gravity Colors Titanium White. There is a hint of pearl in the paint, but its hard to see in these pics, but shows ups nice in sunlight. Tim
  20. The goal is to get it as close to possible as my friends 1:1. So far, I am closer than I am further. Tim
  21. Yes, I know the stripes end just short of the front end, as well as the rear window and just below the spoiler. I am not going for 100% accuracy, especially since these stripes were painted on and I didn't use the decals. If there was a way that I could paint the stripes to 100% correct, without it looking like garbage, I would have done that. This was the safer plan of the two since that tiny stripes that hugs the main stripes is nearly impossible to mask, as well as round it off like the original. I'm not saying it can't be done, but what I am saying is that it wasn't worth the hassle for me to try and attempt it. I can live with that on this build and it really doesn't take anything away from it in my mind. I like critiques because it challenges me to go above and beyond, but I can almost guarantee you that there won't be much else to critique on this one once it is finished. Tim
  22. I haven't posted an update in a while, but I was able to get the base coat sprayed, along with the stripes. I tried the decals out, but I just didn't like they way they turned out, so I decided to spray them on. With the exception of that thin little stripe around the main stripe that I had to exclude, I'm happy. Tim
  23. Hi Adam, I thought I responded... my apologies. You can get the 4-link from a few different places http://www.dirtmodeler.com/store/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=114 Here are some great rear-ends and 4-links. http://futurattraction.com/7.html Another great site for rears and other parts. https://www.shapeways.com/shops/3d-model-specialties Tim
  24. Hi Jim, I looked around and couldn't find any. I might just use them as a template and spray the stripes, just to be safe. Tim
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