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Posts posted by Shambles

  1. Hi Seann. Very Cool decals! Nice to meet a fellow graphic designer that's into model cars and NASCAR. I've been retired for about 6 years but still dabble with my model car website and I've done some custom decals for a few cars and dioramas.


  2. Thanks, Jim. I guess I'm still somewhat of a perfectionist but, at my age I need to get over that. The paint on this one was mediocre, the tires wouldn't seat on the rims, and a few other issues bothered me. Besides, it's always fun to crash one.

  3. I've been building and wrecking model cars since I was a kid in the 50s. After I retired, I did several salvage yard dioramas but moved and downsized, and sold off my entire collection. I'm back into building and collecting and will do another soon, but on a smaller scale.





  4. I posted this project a while back when I first started it. It's been on the shelf while I did some remodeling and set up a new model room. I just got  back to work on it and a few other kits I'd started. A little more work to do, and the paint didn't turn out as smooth as I'd like but here's where I left off last night:









  5. I was never a big Earnhardt fan, but I was a Terry LaBonte fan. He was a good driver and a class act. I remember when, after that race, a reporter was interviewing LaBonte and said, "Dale said he didn't mean to wreck you." Labonte said, "Yeah, he never means to."

  6. I had several kits and projects going a few months ago, then took a leave of absence to remodel my house. I never liked the yellow wheels or the graphics on this model, so my first mods were to change that. I removed all of the graphics and painted the wheels black. I'll make new water slide decals for the finished wrecker. I saw another wrecker on eBay pretty cheap, and a 1:24 resin dump body and thought it would be cool to make a 1953 dump truck.

    Last night I got the first wrecker disassembled, and that was no easy task! Getting this all put back together will be a challenge to say the least.

    Black wheels.jpg


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