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Everything posted by bonehead23

  1. Many things I never considered here!!! Re-purposing them is cool. But I agree, WTF are they for? What's the point? Just goes to show that anything will be coveted as long as the company claims it is "collectable", right? I will just keep them in a box , like baseball cards. Some day they might be worth something when my grandkids are old and inherit all my stuff.
  2. I am sure you all are familiar with round 2's "mini-boxes". If so, how many do you have? This year i have acquired 39 and more are in sealed kits. I never assembled one, and don't intend to as they take up much more space that way!!!
  3. So I was wondering if these two kits could swap identities. The answer is, Yes indeed they do!!!
  4. This is a Monogram kit I have had kicking around and decided to build it. The signs came from a T-shirt ad that I cut out, carefully thinned to decal thickness, glued them on and clearcoated them. The paint is Krylon metallic bronze.
  5. I actually started this back in 1990 or thereabouts. I had decided back then to put a blower on it, as i usually always did with every build. I found it in storage, brought it home, painted it Root Beer and it is done...after many years of lying in storage. Now if i could only figure out how to post more photos without going back and deleting old posts!!! I could use a little help and would post a lot more...if this $#@#$%$ site would only let me...
  6. I haven't set up a proper "photo shoot" yet but I will soon. Just recovering from hernia surgery so it will be later. But they are done. The "cosmic Chevy" is a 204" wheelbase! Crazy stuff.
  7. The roadster body has been modified, puttied and needs to be sanded and primed..
  8. Here's a couple...the one in the rear is a Jawbreaker with different rear wheels and a Cosmic Charger engine. The other is a Cosmic Charger with a '32 Chevy body. Are ya with me so far? The Jawbreaker is ready for paint, but the Cosmic Chevy is still in crude mock-up. More later.
  9. Trabant Gasser. Mixture of a Revell Trabant Universal wagon and a Mustang Altered.
  10. Trabant Gasser. Mixture of a Revell Trabant Universal wagon and a Mustang Altered.
  11. You obviously have the patience of a supersaint. And a lot of talent and imagination. This is just incredible...the leaf on the roof looks as if you could pick it up and smoke it. And I bet it inspires many builders to think outside the box. It makes me want to try something similar. Grazzi.
  12. The Wiener Wagon!!!
  13. Surprisimgly emough, the kit exhaust fit fine. The chassis was shortened in the rear, so the front section was not altered. I was not looking forward to making the headers. This works fine. I made some wheelie bars from scrap parts.
  14. Since it is German in origin, I found some "Weiner Wagon" decals that might work. They are from the Hot Dogger, along with the flaming "dog Gone" decals too. Just a thought.
  15. I will have to make them, out of 1/16 solder. The kit headers, as you might guess, will not fit. But there's just enough room to fabricate a set.
  16. Progress is good. The body is ready to drop on for a test fit as soon as the glue and paint dry!
  17. I "Dremel'ed" the wheel openings ti fit the wheelbase. It only took a tiny bit of trimming.
  18. Here's a peek at my Trabant gasser . I used a Mustang AWB drag car for the chassis, shortened in the middle, narrowed and the overhang cut off...and by George the chassis and 427 cammer FIT into this body. I am anxious to proceed and get this one done.
  19. Thanks, guys...Good suggestions that made me smile and think...and a Hemi in a Messerschmitt intrigues me...
  20. Good heavens...those are some nice plane and car kits...but remarkably expensive for curbside cars though!
  21. "When the things that normally bring gratification seem to fall short, and you cannot find the auto or truck subject that pleases the soul, try a Messerschmitt..." The only problem is, I finished this in two days. Now what? Maybe a Stranraer ??? Or a Boeing 247? Or a Dornier DO-X seaplane??? Then maybe a gasser...
  22. Under the hood...390 from the (Lindberg) '34 pickup...or Tall T ...it comes in both.
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