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Everything posted by Shafter44

  1. I spent years trying to super detail everything I could until one day I realized that I had also not finished a build in years. Now I focus on details I feel are important and leave the truly exotic stuff to the people who are more inclined to that sort of attention to detail.
  2. Shafter44


    That is a really clever idea, like most people I have space issues with my ability to display and that is a great idea for mixing it up every now and then. Thanks for the inspiration cant believe it never occurred to me.
  3. You all laugh now but in the post-apocalypse Mad Max future wars will be waged for these cars.
  4. The newer Revell Nascar kits have a pump molded into the oil pan. Since I have a surplus of these kits I usually just cut one off when I need a pump for something else but it would probably be pretty easy to cast them yourself if you needed a lot of them.
  5. Yeah I have that problem too but I also have cats and sometimes forget to close and triple lock the door so in my case that's probably the explanation.
  6. Great looking build and just the right weathering to make a real street sleeper.
  7. Great looking car and nice choice of subject. Love those obscure builds especially when they are of classic Mopars.
  8. I build mostly race car models because I can never get an interior to look that clean. Well done and I envy you sir.
  9. Great looking build.
  10. Beautiful build. Love those wing cars.
  11. Nice looking paint and decal work. Is that a resin body?
  12. I live in the heart of Nascar country and routinely pick these kits up at yard sales and flea markets for 2 or 3$ sealed and pay even less for open kits. In fact this summer I bought 9 built cars and 3 open box kits for 5$ from a guy who was begging me to buy some of the diecast he had for sale for next to nothing. It seems that the over production from Nascars heyday and the fact that most (not all) people have learned that these things will not finance their retirement has created a buyers market for those of us who do appreciate the potential of the parts inside the boxes.
  13. Great looking model. Love those old modified kits.
  14. Love all these oddball/seldom seen cars you've posted lately. You must have an incredible supply of aftermarket decals somewhere or you just bought every set you ever ran across.
  15. I prefer the paper towel and electrical tape method.
  16. I have 10 or 12 of them in my collection and while some appear easier to build than others I have never seriously considered trying to build one.
  17. Great build. Always thought David Pearson was the best even though that statement usually starts an endless debate.
  18. Looking good. PS4's are evil they will keep you from doing many important things.
  19. Great looking classic.
  20. Very cool, Gotta love those classic Mopars from back in the day.
  21. Great looking car and nice to see this one done not as Gordon's BGN car.
  22. Great work on a classic ride.
  23. That is a cool diorama. I love it when models tell a story I even try to come up with a backstory for the ones I build even if no one but me knows what that story is.
  24. That is awesome. Love the psychedelic paint and the skinny white walls.
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