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  1. Complete collection? That is quite a lot of cars . This one looks good, I really like the color. What is it?
  2. The new grille looks just like the one on your 1:1.
  3. Well I put a new coat of primer on it. Now I can see where I need to sand down a couple more seams. I thought I got them all before but I missed a couple.
  4. What color do you plan on painting them? The skull shifter looks very cool.
  5. Looks really good. It reminds me of those sprint car races they have on tv. To post more than one pic you just have to put the IMG tag from the photo in the post. Like if you use photobucket they give you the IMG tag. I'm not sure if you uploaded yours from a file or off the internet. Just put the IMG tag from each photo in the reply thing.
  6. Thats a cool idea. All I have is a cardboard box. Do you have any pictures of that dune buggy in the background? It looks nice. Is it a VW or Manx? Or something else?
  7. Thats what I thought it was, but some of the reflections in it made it look red or brown. But it looks good black.
  8. Thanks. It took me a long time to get it to fit without the bristles at the top leaning into the middle.
  9. Is that black? It kinda looks like a really dark dark red or brown in some photos. I think it might just be reflections though.
  10. I have already painted the interior beige/tan and black. I just have to touch it up a little. For the exterior I was thinking of painting it a not to glossy shade of white and putting some type of black decal on the side. Also using the black decal through out the whole car so it kind of has one theme.
  11. I didn't like the grille so I decided to make my own. I also made a radiator that you can see through. It will look better once I put some filler on the spots where I cut to deep. This is the new stance of the car with the rear and front lowered. Its not exact because the rear end isn't in but its close. Here is what the car will look like somewhat. Here is the motor through the grille. Its just a mock up so it doesn't look perfect.
  12. Looks good, it's a cool idea. Do you have any pictures of your 1:1 blazer? Also what kit is that? I've been looking for an 80's chevy kit.
  13. Thanks for the info and whats WIPs? No thats not my car but it looks somewhat like mine except mines all black.
  14. I haven't been able to work on my model cars for a long time since I've been working on my actual car. But now I have finally started a new project. It was originally going to be like what the picture on the box shows but now I decided I wanted to change it. So I took it all apart since it was half built and I cut up the frame. I plan on notching the rear so I can tuck up the axle so it will be lowered. I haven't figured out how to drop the front yet. Here are some pictures of my notch. If it works then I am going to see if I can melt it together so its flush. Also this is the first time I have every tried something like this. I have the seams all sanded so the body is somewhat flush. I plan on keeping it white and putting a decal on the side. They don't match up perfect but Ill fix that later. This is just a mock up.
  15. Looks good so far. The custom springs are really cool.
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