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Everything posted by porschercr

  1. Excellent work. I have the same kit, so will look at yours again, for reference when I build mine. Trevor
  2. That does look strange.
  3. Great work. You're turning these challenging kits into something worth putting on the table/display case.
  4. "Just like the old days of real hobby shops, and I don't care who says techieworld is better...there's absolutely no substitute for personal interaction with somebody who cares about the job he's doing and enjoys sharing his knowledge and expertise...even if he is trying to sell you something." Well said. "I walked out of the store with WAY more than I went in for." That's usually what happens to a lot of us.
  5. Beautiful looking engine.
  6. Yeah, it's not the prettiest. VPG is Vehicle Production Group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Production_Group https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/a15098391/2016-mobility-ventures-mv-1-first-drive-review/
  7. Thank you all for the comments, I've decided to forgo what I was going to purchase. https://www.amazon.com/VIVOHOME-Portable-Airbrush-Lights-Filter/dp/B08CKSJNP3/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=UX8QHDBXRDAC&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.mX0OCxlBdE_nJHnWKuPGkEjmG6bv3v-e3QZ4aJlnIoH4758QMqExpmYesLqE4jb2rBbCWZwNzb0QHxhWiVS2m8OcpwxAYhcjhCe724W998aeMZgkI727LOf2lTtOOjMASjLiyTsFtl-a9_PwEyCOBaMFvWr39nxX5ij-W5yXEfPBH2veAe5vbQ47MiLdD8cbQfYyKh97UW2YrMuJwnZPxtcfyOhkO9TWsIePxBJob46c_tzRnunTylz8hfWam1fT6LWuyGvN-lMw_bBkpus-ZEiAnfeJqgLHyuTqwgs803A.j6KT6T8zbGEtTzN8bt9EaXonpt4y2VXDnOQoS2c5Ko4&dib_tag=se&keywords=VIVOHOME+paint+booth&qid=1718851178&sprefix=vivohome+paint+booth%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1 My current setup, (cross draft) is with a bilge blower, and works fine. Just need to rehab the structure. Thanks for the link Rob. Trevor
  8. I'd like to get some thoughts on a paint booth fan set up. Here is what I know. Voltage (Adaptor)AC 110V Frequency50/60Hz Working VoltageDC 12V Current1.6A Airflow9m³/min Fan Power25W Would that be enough to exhaust lacquer and enamel fumes, without any issue? I would of course have duct work. Booth size would be 22" (W) x 18.9" (D) x 14.1" Trevor
  9. Assembled from mock-up.
  10. Pacer ZAP Glue Formula 560 Canopy Glue.
  11. What's the best way to remove canopy glue?
  12. Good to hear some of the shipments are moving, and you get them soon.
  13. Glad to hear Nash is feeling better.
  14. Beautiful looking Nova.
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