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b-body fan

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  • Scale I Build
    1-24 and 1-25

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  • Full Name
    Michael p. Stevenson

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b-body fan's Achievements

MCM Avid Poster

MCM Avid Poster (5/6)

  1. Offensive line is actually pretty good. Need to figure out how to replace Thomas! Modell fired Bellichick when they moved to Baltimore.
  2. They were fun to watch back then. It's been pretty rough since.
  3. Unbelievable. A parade for my beloved Browns 0-16 season. Truly sad !
  4. Sharp!!
  5. Cool! Kind of. Barretesque with some recognizable original lines. Great project!
  6. Totally agree. One more than I got done.
  7. Excellent job! Great color!
  8. Since this is for finished projects, here is my year in review. Thanks for looking! Bet I'm not the only one.
  9. Funny how things work. Thank God you stopped by that day. Bless your family and speedy recovery to your mom!
  10. I actually had one. My second car. Two tone green with a green interior. It had an intake leak. Little shot of ether and it would run all day! L. O. L.
  11. Fun thread. Wish I had something to share.
  12. How have you been Kevin?

    1. bismarck


      Working WAY too many hours to make ends meet, as usual. Lol. Been trying to get a small hobby corner set up in the spare room, but it takes time and money, neither of which I have much of, but I'll get there eventually. What have  you been into man?

  13. If you have stuff to trade this forum is great. Trading post and wanted are excellent. MOST of these folks are awesome to deal with and quite helpful. Check great traders list if you're not sure. Hope this helps.
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