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Everything posted by Korsair

  1. Couldn't seem to post into this frame the info I wanted to transfer over from my email, so the doc above was the info to pass along, but to suffice, engines are now and soon to be available. If you are on Facebook please join our group at "TDR Innovations" There you will stay up with all of our announcements and new offerings, in addition you will see a lot of really cool builds from our customers. FYI I was successful in figuring out a way to offer engines in the smaller scales. This will be a slow process but I will slowly start to add engines and components to the small scale offerings. If anybody is looking for some small scale parts for engines we offer in the larger scales, just tell them to contact me directly at this email address. Here is the link to the first offerings. https://sites.google.com/site/tdrhtmllearn/home/engine-shop/chevy-engine-selection/bbc-basic-block-kits Contact Tim Floyd @ tdr.innovations@gmail.com Hope this helps us small scale modelers.
  2. OK Guys.docx
  3. So, then a Flathead would be good. I assume your using the old Pyros, or now Lindberg kits. Or are you working with the Testor's die cast kits?
  4. Hey Guys, I see in the forums list, a section for BIG BOYZ, but nothing for the smaller scales. Now I know there be at least one reply posted (and many more thinking about it) of how hard it is to see small stuff as we are aging (and it is a pain!), but I have an interest to build some stuff in smaller scales, but have a problem that plaques it. No real good engines. The only true decent ones are the Monogram Ultimates, one being the 1/43rd engines of the Chevy 427, and the Ford 289. But for a couple of 1/32nd engines that are marginal, there are no really good engines available. Well, I have spent time looking on Shapeways, and even there, I found nothing for auto engines in small scale but for some aircraft engines. So I have talked to a vendor about interest in making some, so if you too would be interested, please let me know. Thanks,Kevin
  5. Nice beginning effort. Hopefully you'll get back to it, look forward to seeing it done. I have long been a huge fan of bellytankers. I have built only one so far, a 1/32nd scale effort. Of course, I had the tanks to work from by using a Revell P-38 kit in 1/32, the rest of the parts come from either Lindberg or Monogram kits. I call her Lil' Blu.
  6. Thanks! Very COOL! Nicely done. I will try to post pics late tonight of the bodywork as I bought it (glue-bomb).
  7. What does the back look like, if you could post a picture. I am curious to how different it is from mine, as the window treatment is much different. Looks like you did a real nice job on it.
  8. I have a box with 2 Monzas in it, just happened to be looking it over this weekend. One is the "Black Max" 1/25th from MPC, the other is the Monza SS, 1/25th from AMT. The MPC kit plastic is the thin brittle black plastic, where the AMT is a lot thicker in it's plastic (They are both glue bombs, but I have the instructions for it, and there are front/rear ends that are not of the same kit already glued on) (the front has a panel labeling it as Toronado, and the rear has a parachute inserted in it.) I also own one of the Sunbirds (Pontiac fan, in pristine condition), and I don't think the are the same body, but with the panels on it, may look very close. I will have to dig out the Sunbird and make some measurements to be sure.
  9. Thanks for the feedback. I will try my best to work out the issue, but there seemed to be little rise to take away in order to level out the depression. I guess at worst, It'll be my first "RAT ROD" body works...... I plan on buying more, so hopefully then, I'll get a better one next time.
  10. I have spent several hours pouring over this thread, and I appreciate all of the suggestions about rake, engines, and using other bodies. I looked at using the Revell 31 Model A sedan body from the 3-set Hot Rod kit. May need some work to fit, especially since the body is a bit warped. But my biggest complaint in comparing the bodies, was I found that mym body had "serious" flaws on each side, just rear of the doors, slightly lower than the door handle. Did anyone else have these same flaws, as it looks like I will have to use some Tamiya white putty on it to fix it up. Not sure my pick "really" shows it well, but look at your bodies and let me know if I am alone in this, and have the only blemished body.This side is the worst of the two.
  11. Thanks Guys! Certainly found a few forum posts of interest. Have a great day.
  12. Wow Guys, Some excellent examples of work in these pics. I have just embarked on my first semi build since I was a teen 40 years ago. Hopefully I can do it proud.
  13. Thanks Snake, and the rest of you guys for your info on the kit. I too am a 1/25th scale guy, a Pontiac FAN, and was interested in how this kit was. I just finished the Monogram 1/24th scale kit, which was "fun", but am glad to be able to build it in 1/25th. The pic you posted Snake sure makes it obvious what you may want to cut off, but if there is any chance of your posting the amounts you cut off, that would be appreciated, as I don't have any of the comparison kit/bodies you listed (somewhere I may have an AMT '65 GTO), but numbers would be great. It is amazing when you think about it, how the "models" can sometimes be off in shape/measurements, especially with so many real examples out there that could be used to verify, but as was mentioned, sometimes there are forces working behind the scenes that have huge affects on the kits. Having a close relationship with the guys behind AMtech (aircraft models), the stories of how models are made, tested, and either produced or not is amazing. It ALWAYS boils down to money, as to whether to fix something that is wrong, or let it fly and take the chance it won't smack you in the face. Actually, when you think about it, it is surprising that as a "SNAP" kit, you even get options for the build, though relatively simple ones.
  14. Hi everyone, My name is Kevin Iutzeler, and I am from Des Moines, Iowa. Growing up as a kid in California, I would spend many weekends building models after getting my allowance. A kit, can of spray, and a couple of extras, and Saturday morning would start with painting the main parts, and building them late Saturday or on Sunday, and be finished before school on Monday. Moved to Iowa in 1987, joined the IPMS Hawkeye Modelers in 1991 just after my daughter was born, and I have been active in the hobby ever since. Traveling to model shows with my friends, namely Mark Johnson through most of the years, we have been entrants, judges, and vendors. I like to build drag racing, Bonneville, Pontiacs, and small scale car stuff. I do also build aircraft, and Sci-Fi stuff. Though not a "prolific" modeler, I have had several completed models competing in the last year or two at shows, but hope to continue with projects at hand, such as a 1/16 Bonneville project car, a pro-touring AMC, a bastard of a kit for an altered wheel-base Falcon, and several drag projects. Looking forward to getting to know some of you here, maybe even meeting at shows in the Mid-west, or maybe further out. Kevin
  15. Looks pretty good Jerry. I too am a huge jet car fan, have had multiple opportunities to take photos, and have been working on a spreadsheet to work out different jet engines available and their scales. Just from the looks of it, looks like that matches pretty well. My biggest concern in modeling those is just to be sure the "details" such as wiring/plumbing look right since those would be more scale sensitive. Look forward to seeing yours getting done.
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