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Everything posted by TarheelRick

  1. Going to be a nice one, especially Ford in a Ford.
  2. I switched from Chrome to Firefox and the loading issue is not as bad. It is not really great by any means, but it is not as slow to open a topic.
  3. Do any of the current 2000+ model Cadillacs have the Northstar engine. If not, are any available in resin or 3D print?
  4. I think it is probably a '63. Notice the placement of the parking lights and the grille pieces are shaped a bit differently. Thanks for the replies.
  5. Got this resin truck cab several years ago, 2005 I think. The caster told me his mold was worn out but would cast me one for half price. I believe I heard he had been killed in a motorcycle accident a few months later. I bought it for the Ford Louisville chassis, but the cab is too small. With some adjustment of the floor pan it will work on the Monogram F-250 chassis, will also require a beam front axle. Even though I am a Ford guy, I am not familiar with this particular model year(s). Any help? OOPS! Pictures added
  6. Have to agree with all the above positive comments. Very well build tractors and shed, excellent weathering. I also have the Ferguson kit awaiting to be built. That style tractor is the one my farming neighbor taught me how to drive and plow a field, really heady stuff for a 14-year-old.
  7. Just cleared my cache site still extremely slow to navigate through. Hope we can get it resolved soon.
  8. Really like the concept and the cleanliness of the build. Color fits it perfectly. Very nice modifications. The only issue I have is the long front-end, but then Cadillacs were long cars so I guess that solves that problem.
  9. Very well built machine. I especially like the rearview shot, it just looks so bada$$.
  10. You two are fakes, I am the REAL relative of the Nigerian prince AND I also have connections to an oil production company in Saudi Arabia. When that money gets here, I can buy all the models I have ever wanted, maybe even get some manufactured that I have missed in the past.
  11. Indeed, very well done. I look at that model and am in awe of the courage and faith of those two astronauts. It had to be in the back of their minds, "Will this contraption get us off here and back to the main module?" Thanks for posting it.
  12. That is one sick Pontiac. Don't see these very often on the board. Very nice job all the way around. Especially like the rear-seat delete.
  13. Was there ever a test result posted from any of the 7 lucky recipients? I mean during 13 years someone must have tried it and can review its worthiness.
  14. I really love early customs, and this is one beautiful representation of the era. Really like the color and those black scallops really add to it.
  15. Glad this one came back around. So many details to get your attention, amazing work. Just trying to figure out which one of those pigeons is going to ruin his day even more.
  16. TarheelRick

    '32 Vic

    I bought a pack there a few years ago, so it should still be there. This is one wicked short-track racer, everything about it just looks so right. Do you remember where those tires came from?
  17. Excellent work putting together that collection of diverse parts. Sweet little hot rod and you can't go wrong with yellow. Also like the detail of the Olds engine. I have a track-nose A in the planning stage.
  18. Got an email from Michael's this morning offering me a $5 reward, don't know why, I haven't shopped there in over a year. Anyway, I decided to look through their model section. For some reason the second time I went through the "Craft & Hobbies" section they showed some different models than the first time. However, that is not what caught my attention, it was this: In-Store Only Testors® Gloss Enamel Spray (152) $7.99 SAVE 40% ON EVERY REGULAR PRICE PURCHASE WITH CODE CYBER40 Online only Store Pickup - Unavailable Ship to Me - Unavailable Same Day Delivery-Unavailable Makes me wonder how you get this paint. It is 'in-store only', yet it is unavailable for store pickup and shipping is unavailable. Most likely the store is out of stock, that is why it is unavailable for pickup. But the way this ad is set-up it is rather confusing. And I can save 40% using a special code for online only.
  19. Hope you got your tetanus shots up to date. That is some exceptional weathering work. Beautiful overall build.
  20. Very nice looking T-Bird, stance looks right on. Just wonder what may have been if Earnhardt had stuck with Ford and joined forces with Yates, Bud Moore, or maybe Roush.
  21. Beautiful Galaxie, especially like the two-tone paint. Would probably be on the floor of a coliseum at the local ISCA show. Got plans for a full custom with mine using the custom parts from an original issue '64 Galaxie.
  22. Very well done, overall clean build. 1/32 kits are a lot of fun to work with. I have converted the 69 Mach 1 Mustang into a dirt track racer being hauled on a Mack Pumper firetruck converted to a tilting flatbed and the 55 Chevy into a tube front axled Gasser. Have several static models of 1/32 slot cars from my younger days: Ferraris, Porsche, Lotus, and Lola.
  23. Excellent GTO build. Really like the stance and the interior is one beautiful piece of artistry.
  24. Very nice looking modified. Never been to Caraway, but have watched them at "the Madhouse" a couple of times. Super clean build. Any tips on how you did the tire treads to make them look well raced?
  25. The Dixie Twister tribute is still on the circuit and very active. This picture was taken at the SEGA event at Farmington Dragstrip, NC in 2022. It was also at the North Wilkesboro Dragstrip, NC in 2023.
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